Never Really Over

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Everything seemed to be going well. Alice and FP both had new jobs. Alice and Charles were making progress in their investigation of the Farm. On the outside, they seemed fine. But Alice was constantly at odds with Betty over the Farm, and she was grappling with what to do about FP. That's when one last summons came from the Gargoyle King to bring everything else crashing down with Alice's personal life.

"So, we're really doing this." FP said with a sigh as he and Alice walked out of Sierra's apartment.

"I guess we don't have a choice." Alice swung her arms nervously in front of her. "You ready to flip for your fate?"

"You're seriously asking me that?" FP gave her a sidelong look and tossed an arm around her, to which she promptly jerked away.

"FP, we're in public." She said, trying to laugh it off, but all too worried that someone from the Farm would see them. His eyes said that her use of the laugh to hide her panic hadn't worked.

"Sorry, Al. I'm just tired of sneaking around all the time. And being back with those guys makes this feel even more surreal." FP surprised her with the nostalgia laced in his words.

"I know, I really do. But the kids. And you're still technically married." Alice rolled her eyes, thinking of FP's recent trip to Toledo.

"Do we have to go there right now? I don't see dry ink on your divorce papers." FP said, sounding preemptively exhausted from a fight that hadn't happened yet.

"No, I'm sorry. It's just the truth." Alice said as the approached her car in the parking garage. She wanted to tell him that it was different. There was a greater chance that Juniper was the Gargoyle King than there was of her and Hal getting back together. She didn't think the same could be said for him and Gladys. 

"You want me to pick you up later?" FP asked, putting an arm up on the station wagon, nearly pinning Alice between the car and his body.

"I have a quick errand to run right before, so I'll just meet you there." She said, playing with his tie so she wouldn't have to look at him.

"Okay, I'll see you there then. Be careful."

"Careful with what?" Alice asked, confused by his question considering he didn't even know about the most dangerous situation she'd put herself in as of late.

"Everything. Being the Sheriff has reminded me how scary it is out there. I just want you to stay safe." He dropped a soft kiss on her lips and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. She found his comments entirely too sexy, and the uniform didn't hurt. Just as she was forcing her tongue into his mouth, he pulled away.

"Ah, ah, ah. We wouldn't want anyone to see us, would we?" He gave a breathy laugh that teased her lips and leaned his forehead against hers.

"You're the worst." She rolled her eyes and turned around to unlock the driver door. He turned her back though and pressed a quick kiss to her lips.

"See you, Smith." He called out, walking towards his cruiser as Alice dropped into the driver seat of her car.

Her afternoon with FP left Alice giddy as she drove to the hotel to meet Charles. He made her feel better about everything. They just met with their high school friends to talk about how they could potentially die tonight, but she was smiling because she'd been with him. She knew it was wrong for her to still be seeing him after she told Charles that she ended it, but it felt like it was out of her control. They were continually being thrown into situations together that required them to claw their way back to the surface. They'd been through too much together.

Alice approached the door to the hotel room and knocked their special knock.

"Hey! What are you so smiley for?" Charles asked, letting her in.

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