chapter ten | CLOSE CALL

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Stiles slid the door open, and Derek stumbled in, Nara right behind him and trying to make sure that he didn't fall over and make a mess.

Stiles' phone rang, and she immediately turned around, hoping it was Scott with an answer.

"Does Nordic Blue Monkshood mean anything to you?" He looked towards Derek, who was slumped against the wall.

"It's a rare form of wolfsbane. He has to bring me the bullet," Derek replied in a quiet mumble.

"What?" Nara asked, clearly confused.

"I'm gonna die without it!" He answered, staring up at them with big, sick eyes.

They went into the other room, and Derek scrambled to take his shirt off as Stiles turned on the lights.

Derek leaned his arm against the metal table, it looking progressively worse than it had earlier. She stood next to Stiles on the other side as they both thought silently of what to do. The truth was, was that no first-aid classes could have prepared them for this, and she had been forced to take her fair share because of her dad's insistence and the fact that her brother occasionally taught them.

"Ya know that doesn't look like anything some ecenatia and a good night's sleep couldn't take care of," Stiles suggested, but Derek ignored him.

"When the infection reaches my heart-it'll kill me." He said as he scrambled over to the cabinets and started looking through them hastily.

"Positivity isn't even in your vocabulary, is it?"

"Stiles!" Nara scolded, feeling the death even more intently.

"We have to go to the last resort," the werewolf mumbled.

"Which is?" They asked as he pulled out a bone saw.

"I want you to cut off my arm," he said, laying the saw on the table and sliding it towards Stiles. He started it up and then shouted "Oh my god!" and dropped it.

"Why can't she do it?" He wined, gesturing towards Nara, who glared.

"Because you're stronger," Derek replied roughly. Debatable. She took the blue thing from his grip and tied it around the top of his arm as tight as she could.

"What if you bleed to death?" She added, the thought hitting her like a truck.

"If it works, I'll heal!"

She looked at Stiles, seeing his face paler than before.

"Look-I don't know if I can do this." He mumbled.

"Why not?" Derek snapped.

"Well, because of the cutting through the flesh, the sawing to the bone and especially-the blood!" He squeaked out.

"You faint at the sight of blood?" Derek asked in exasperation.

"No! But I might looking at a chopped-off arm!" The boy shouted in defense. Nara bit her lip and grabbed the saw.

"I can do it." Stiles gave her a thankful look. "I mean, my brother is a surgeon-that has to count for something."

"I could kiss you right now!" He said in fake loving-ness, bringing his face closer, but she pushed it away with her free hand and began to focus on the task. The truth was, was that she hated their new life with her whole entire being.

"You ready?" She sighed, looking back at the "patient."

Derek nodded-before doubling over and throwing up, black stuff?

"What the hell is that?" Stiles asked in disgust.

"It's my body trying to heal itself!"

"Well, it's not doing an outstanding job of it," she griped.

"Now! You got to do it now!"

She grabbed the saw and turned it on, turning it back off when she got a feeling in her chest. "Scott's here."

"You need to do it now!" Derek said, not knowing what she meant-just as Scott came barreling into the room, staring confused as to why she had a saw in her hand and was hovering it over Derek's arm.

"What the hell are you doing?" He yelled. She put it down and took a deep breath.

"Oh, you just prevented a lifetime of nightmares." She answered.

"Did you get it?" Derek whimpered, leaning up from the table. Scott reached into his pocket, grabbed it, and handed it to him.

"What are you gonna do with it?" Stiles asked, but before Derek could answer, he fell over unconscious and dropped the bullet. Nara and Stiles fell next to him as Scott rushed to get the shell. She grabbed one of his hands as Stiles moved his head around a bit.

"Come on, Derek!" She said, a bit of sadness lingering in her voice. He was an ass, but that didn't mean she wanted him to die.

When she was little, her mom used to sing a song to her when she was hurt. What was it? It always made her feel better. Jeez, right now really isn't the time.

"Scott, what the hell are we gonna do?" Stiles shouted

"I don't know," Scott replied, still struggling to get the bullet.

"He's not waking up," she told Stiles.

"I think he's dying...I think he's dead!" He shouted again.

"Come on, Derek!" She said more intently this time, her eyes closing in thought. Little moon, little sun-something, something, something..

"I got it!!" Scott yelled.

Stiles raised his fist, murmuring a "please don't kill me for this." He was about to punch him, but his eyes flickered open, and they all let out a long sigh of relief.

They helped him up, and he quickly bit the encasing off of the bullet, shaking the wolfsbane out of it. He grabbed a lighter and burned it. Once the flame died down, he gathered it and dug it into his arm. She winced and turned her head into Stiles' shoulder as the man fell to the ground and screamed. Finally, he was healed.

"That was awesome!" Stiles exclaimed. She took a deep breath, feeling faint. How was she going to chop off an arm again?

"Are you okay?" Scott asked, looking down at the man.

"Besides for the agonizing pain," and the sour wolf was back.

"Guessing the ability to use sarcasm is a good sign of health." Stiles joked. Derek glared, and Stiles backed up.

"Okay, we saved your life!" Scott yelled. "Which means you're gonna leave us alone, and if you don't-I'm gonna go back to Allison's dad and tell them everything."

"You're gonna trust them? You think they can help you?" Derek asked gruffly.

"Why not? They're a lot freaking nicer than you are."

Something passed over Derek's features.

"I can show you exactly how nice they are!"

The three teenagers exchanged looks.

"What do you mean?"

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