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A jar form an ancient civilization traveled 100's of miles from the earths crust to the earths surface. 10 scientists studied the artifact all coming up with different opinions about what was written on its surface and whom it had come from, for there weren't any indication to any ancient society having lived in the area at the time it was presumably made. More over these scientists were not here to dig up and study such things, they were there searching for the bones of dinosaur's. They were stunned to find such a thing but being unable to ascertain anything else from it they sent it to a specialist.

        So once again the fragile piece of history traveled 200 miles over the earths surface at 80 miles per hour to meet a man whom can read it and study it better then any other living human can.

        The man pulled the ancient artwork out of the box and presented to study it immediately. He came up with ancient hieroglyphs, so it was Egyptian but what was such a thing doing in a region known only to the Mayan's? He studied it further and realized it had many other forms of writing on it including Mayan, AMAZING! Then he decided to check what era it had come from even though he had a fair estimate due to the etchings.

        He went, took a piece of the jar, stuck it in a lab bag and sent it. After that he placed the jar in a air safe draw happily locking it away until the results returned.

        Three weeks later, the lab results return with astonishing information. That can not be possible the jar was made at the time when dinosaurs just began roaming the earths surface. Who at that time could have crafted such a thing like this jar. The man went to the draw where the jar was stored and took it out to study it farther. That's when he noticed a cork at the top, curious he went to his tools and took one which will open the jar without damaging it. He then used the tool, the jar popped open and a musky old smell rose out of it. He looked in and two red glowing eyes look back.


          "What in the!?!"

          The man stepped back and rubbed his eyes. The jar began quivering and shaking then it broke and there covered in hay and in pieces of jar was a small baby dinosaur. No wait that's no dinosaur. The man lifted it up into the light and stared at it with great intensity, flexing every part of its body. Four limbs, a long neck, a head with horns, a long tail, sharp teeth and talons, blue eyes unusual and 2 pairs of wings. Huh!

         It's a dragon! A great discovery no one will believe. Not even he believed it and he was holding it in his hands. The creature looked at him with big blue eyes licked his fingers, then hiccupped, disappearing from his hands along with the hay and jar pieces.

        The specialist began to freak out and ran around his working space looking for the dragon and jar. When he finally gave up, he went back to the lab result papers and read it again. When he got to the last line he choked.

                   Ha ha got you, I was just joking. It's a fake!   


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2014 ⏰

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