I'm Miku Fluffing Hatsune

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Miku's P.O.V:

(I'm gonna skip to Miku going to her house and stomping into her bedroom FYI :3) "AHAHHAHAHAHAHHSUSIBNDIVUSJHDGDJDKCUFJKENANDJKFJAHBSNFMVOIFJENANANIAMTHEBESTINTHEWHOLEWODANDHEISSUCHAJEEERRRKKKK"  I screamed at the top of my lungs saying this mumble jumble. I than picked up a rose he gave me and started ripping off its petals. "I hate him,I love him not,I hate him,I love him not." I continued saying this until I destroyed every single rose that stupid Ice cream loving freak no good for nothing waste of a boy never gonna look or talk to that thing Ka- u know what I'm not even gonna say it's name... yes I said it -_- annyyywaaayss. After going on a HUGE rampage I finished burning every item he ever gave to me and I mean EVERYTHING. When I'm done with I boy I never want anything of theirs ever in my sight. If I have to I'll even move millions of times just to get away from them. Yes.. I'm over board but I'm the number one princess and if u DON'T treat me right there WILL be consequences and trust me u will REGRET  ever doing this to me. I sighed. "Why do boys never treat me right." I mumbled to myself. I than picked myself up and turned to the window. I saw something blue quickly catch my eye but went away. And that blue color looked like a cetain boys exact hair color. I acted like I didn't see anything and started putting my hair in a braid. I quickly looked over again and saw that. I angrily got up and punched the glass. "STOP IT!" I screamed. I looked at my hand and saw blood. "Great I not only cracked my window but my hand is bleeding -_-"  The person than took a sneak peak through my window. This time I could really tell it was Kaito. "YOU FLUFFING PERVETED KAITO STOP PEAKING IN MY WINDOW I KNOW U STILL WANT ME BUT WE'RE NO LONGER ROMEO AND JULIET GO AWAY!!!!!" I screamed so loud and high pitched that all of the windows broke and all my mirrors. Kaito than lost his balance and I had to grab onto his hand really cutting my arm. "Your so stupid." I said crying and still holding onto Kaito's hand. Wait a second.... I noticed a wrap hanging out from under "Kaito's"  shirt and than the wig started falling off of her head. "MEIKO?!?!?!?!?" "GOTCHA!!! that's what you get for being such a faker :p " ...

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