Leave Me Alone Okay!

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Alli's POV

I woke up to the sound of phone buzzing.

From Hazza <3

Good Morning beautiful <3.


He's driving me insane I don't know what Harry wants from me. First he kisses me then makes me get out of the car now this.He's confusing me and I don't like it. I deciding to ignore him and just  go on with my day without talking to him. I dug through my closet trying to find a cute outfit so i can go out to the shops looking decent. After looking for a while I finally found something and threw it on. I ran out of the house to roam the streets of London.

First I went into Forever 21 and bought a couple of shirts and skinny jeans along with a couple pair of shoes to match the outfits. Then I made my way over to Starbucks for a quick drink.

"Hey can I help you" the guy behind the counter asked. I have to admit he's quit cute!

"Can I just have a hot chocolate with whip cream" I asked sweetly.

"Sure that'll be two dollars and seventy five cents please" He said. I payed and sat down at a table waiting for my hot chocolate. After a while it finally came.

"Here ya go" He said with kind eyes.

"Thanks" I said.

"Can I join you" He asked.

"Sure" I giggled.

"Im Conner" He said.

"Alliannah but call me Alli" I grinned.


We talked for a while and really got to know each other but he had to work and I had more shopping to do.We exchanged numbers and said our goodbye until next time.

I walked into my favorite store Pink and started looking around. I picked up some pink lace pantie along with a matching bra. I smiled to myself and picked up a few more that matched and bought them. I started walking home slowly humming to myself then a car pulled up besides me.

"Alli" Harry yelled. He's mad I can hear it in his voice the tone he's using scares me this is how he's been acting lately. I don't like this Harry.

"What" I spat

"Where Have you been all day I've been texting you all morning" He shouted again

"I was busy" I said.

"With that boy huh" he asked.

"No Harry I was talking to him were just friends" I said.

"Sure whatever but that doesn't explain why you've been ignoring me" He yelled

"Listen Harry I think we should spend less time together okay" I said

"No Alli" he said

"What do you mean no Harry I don't wanna hang out so much this isn't your decision" I snapped

"Listen Alli I just want to make sure nothing happens to you okay" He said grabbing my hand kissing the top.

"Harry I'm fine" I said yanking my hand away from him  and started walking away.

"Alli" he yelled.

"Alli come on" he yelled again. I ignored his plea's and kept walking all the way home. I know he followed me home in his car but i just pretended he wasn't there. I walked in and slammed the door shut locking it in the process,throwing the bags down on the ground. I decided to skip out on eating,I'm in no mood to eat right now. I jumped in the shower to relive some stress and to think about things. I was peacefully washing my hair when i heard someone banging on my door. I know it's him but I'm not answering the door. I got out of the shower and threw on my new bra and matching pantie and put on some sweats and a tank top. He continued to bang on the door and it started to annoy me. I opened the window and screamed at him.

"Harry Edward Styles stop banging on my door and go home" I yelled and slammed the window shut.

Why won't he just leave me alone?

Hope you liked it! :) Vote&Comment please! thanks xoxo

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