Just A Dream part 1

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Mehhh only a couple of chapters left to redo.... :\ mehhh so boring

Alli's POV

I really want to go to sleep but Harry went out with Liam to the bar and sure enough he'll come back drunk so I'll have to take care of him. I cleaned and watched random movies to pass the time but I quickly grew bored and started doing random stuff, cartwheels, singing like an idiot, talking to myself about stupid things, and I even prank called a couple of people. I guess bored really does kill. Maybe I should invite Conner over, but Harry would get mad and we just started dating, I don't want him to feel like he can't trust me already. I just wish Eleanor was around or maybe even Danielle or Perrie. The door bell rang and I quickly sprang up to answer the door to my druken boyfriend and his sober friend Liam.

"Get in here" I sighed.

"He drank quit a bit" Liam said.

"I'm well aware of that" I snapped.

"Well I'm ganna go" he said. 

"Bye Liam" I said.

"Bye Alli" he said waving.

" Seriously Harry I'm getting sick of this, you go out every night then you come back drunk and I end   up taking care of you" I said laying him down on the couch.

"Sorry" he mumbled then passed out. I grabbed a blanket out of the closet and threw it over Harry making sure he was warm enough. He kept murmuring things in his sleep but I didn't think much of it, so I headed for the stairs.

"I love you" I heard him say. I don't know if he was just having a dream or if he was talking to me but I guess it doesn't matter.

"I love you too" I said and walked up to my bedroom.


I heard a loud crash downstairs thinking it was Harry I just layed back down, then I heard talking and I knew it wasn't Harry but it was a familiar voice, a voice I wish I didn't hear. Slowly climbing out of bed I searched for the deadliest thing I could possibly find, which was one of Harry's empty beer bottles from the other night. Creeping down stairs quietly the talking got louder, and as it did I realized exactly who was in my house but why?

"Conner what are you doing here" I yelled. He turned around with wide eyes and started fidgeting with his hands.

"I uh came to see you" He smiled.

"At four in the morning, seriously why the fuck are you here" I yelled again.

"Alli be quiet gosh" he snapped.

"Can you just tell me why your here" I asked.

"I want to bring you somewhere" He said.

"I don't think Harry would be happy if I left now, maybe tomorrow" I said.

"No now" he growled.

"No I'm tired now go home ya freak" I said playfully punching him.

"Let's go Alli" He said seriously.

"I'm not leaving" I snapped then everything went black and I screamed.


Part 2 will be up soon!

I'm so sorry their all so short but like I have to work on redoing a chapter everyday and it's hard working on them everyday and thinking of new idea's :P But soon once Im done redoing the chapters they will get longer! :) vote&comment xoxo


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