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It was now Sunday, Sung Kyung had invited me to go to the movies to watch Lego Movie and La-la Land. I was really nervous now, for some reason. I usually don't like to waste my precious weekends but Sung Kyung wasn't really a waste of time (she's the only best friend I've ever had in my life anyway). But this time, I was going to bring her to a fancy restaurant. "Oppa, why are you always late, I'm going to stab you the next time you're late." She grumbled and crossed her arms. 

"Okay, Sorry. I'm here now, let's just go and watch the movies.

______(Your Author: I did not watch either movie so I can't explain the plot. Sorry T.T)_______

While we were watching the movie, I noticed that Sung Kyung could not take her eyes off the screen for even just a second. It was really cute. I ended up eating all the popcorn and the only thing she had eaten was the Watermelon blended drink (aka her signature Starbucks drink.

"Sung Kyung, aren't you going to eat something-"


"Okay Fine."

When we left the movie theater, Sung Kyung was still looking like she was under the movie spell. So I decided to ask her to go tho the restaurant.

"Hey, Sung Kyung, do you want to go to a restaurant?"


That was a whole lot easier than I thought it would be.

We went to a restaurant called Jungsik Seoul and ordered a ton of food and dessert. 

"How was the movie?" Sung Kyung asked me.

"Great! What did you think?"

"It was amazing! In fact..." Her eyes started to brighten and she started to glow. "I want to be an actress now!" 

"Really, that's great!"

"Yeah! I finally understand why all my friends love watching k-dramas and wishing to star in one now. Im Soo Hyang and Park Shin Hye, my two closest friends both want to Chung-Ang University. But I might want to go somewhere else. 


"I don't know, I have to do some research. I hope whatever school I choose will accept me."

"Seriously? You have Perfect grades, you have a perfect record and reputation. How would you not get accepted?"

"Thanks. What would you want to do for a living in the future?"

I had never actually thought about that seriously. "I don't know, actually."

"Oh. That's fine, that is what clubs are for. The school's clubs are designed to help you find you're talent. Speaking of clubs, are you ready for the Sportfest?"

"Oof. I totally forgot about that."

"Don't worry, just remember that it will be on Monday and that you should prepare."

The waiter suddenly came and interrupted our conversation. "Your total cost is 203,000 Won (approximately 249.46 USD)"

I almost jumped and Sung Kyung's eyes widened. What? That was basically my life savings and I don't think, my parents would want or agree to lend me any money. I reluctantly handed the money to the waiter, who did not seem to notice how freaked out I am, but just smiled and said: "Kansahiamnida! Anneyeong!"

"Oppa! You didn't tell me the whole dinner cost that much!" Sung Kyung shrieked in disbelief as we went outside. 

"It's okay," I replied. 

"No, It's not, I feel really guilty now! How can I make it up to you?"

"Pay for the next thing we go to."


"And your Instagram account."

"It's heybiblee. Is that it? Nothing else."


"Okay. Thank you so much, Oppa."

"No problem."

I was about to ask her if she wanted to go anywhere but then, her driver (yes, her family has a driver) came.

"Oh, sorry I have to go now. Bye Oppa!" She waved at me and went inside the car.

"Bye." I waved back and turned away so not only her but no one else, could see my huge smile.

It's Okay, That's Love Lee Sung Kyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now