Chapter Twenty-One

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If you've read this far, thank you! I really appreciate all the reads and support. I love reading through the comments, and I go through everyone. I can't believe how far this book has gotten - without further ado, we enter the second game of the Sports Festival!


You let go of Shoto's hand as you were being teleported. You soon regained your vision, and you felt a lot better. The flag with an elegant rose painted onto it stood tall, and Miu was already working hard on something. She laid down some small devices, a force field visible for a few seconds, before it quickly turned invisible. The girl grinned, before pressing a few buttons on her backpack. Long metallic arms shot out, which reminded you of a spider. Iida made a karate chopping motion with his hands.

"Wait Miss Hatsume. We must make a plan first!"

She sighed, before returning back to ground level. She just wanted to go out and display her babies, not talk strategy. But, if she ended up in the finals... She'd get so many sponsors and sales!

"Right - we need to set up a defence. Miss Hatsume seems to have made something here - but we still need to have a secondary unit. Miss Hatsume, I'd like you to find a disguised vantage point where we can use your quirk to the fullest. That way we can watch intruders. Urakaka will help you if necessary. Kirishima and Tetsutetsu, I'd like you to make a defence against big attacks. Shoto, please make a defence against any easy entrances. Offence Team One will distract the guards - this will include Mineta to trap as many people as possible, then Bakugo to clear the area. Shinso, please get the strongest guard out of the way. Defence Team Two will work on getting the flag - this will consist of me and (Y/N). We're the fastest in the situation. Everyone else, stay in defence. We'll keep our strongest there - that way, we're stronger there. Everyone ready?"

Everyone nodded - some eagerly like Ochaco, some more frustrated like Bakugo. No one could argue with Iida's plan. You crept off with the offence team, winking and waving at Shoto, wordlessly saying "good luck". As you went along, you slowly absorbed water from the ground, but keeping it at a small enough size so it wasn't visible from a distance. Soon enough, you noticed some movement. You quickly made a barrier of water as acid flew your way. A small droplet hit your skin and it burned considerably. You yelped, before yeeting her backwards with a water blast. You gritted your teeth - how did such a small amount hurt so badly? Still, you carried on walking as Iida trapped her in a cave after rapidly apologising. 

You soon knew you were close as thick layers of tape wrapped around an area. Bakugo made a controlled explosion to erode it away. Even though he had a temper, he seemed to demonstrate self-control whenever in a hero situation. You had heard from Kirishima Bakugo had undergone a lot of training to get it.

You all snuck in, before realising something was off. There was no flag and no people - that's when you felt a tight pressure. You were wrapped up in tape, and it felt like a snake. Everyone else was also wrapped up. However, Bakugo quickly blew his tape up, before subtly getting rid of everyone else's. You also had to fight with Rendo Asiru - he was quirkless, but was in no way defenceless - he used a gun which didn't have any proper bullets, but caused some nasty bruises. You had several before the two had been tied together. Soon, you all left, now without a lead. That's when you saw it - the beautiful flag, completely unattended. Where was everyone?

You all stepped forward, when you realised - the majority of the team was there. You were surrounded. You quickly gathered up as much water as possible, but you soon felt the burning sun evaporating it. The weather quirk boy was working hard. You quickly ran towards him, engaging in hand to hand combat, but he hit the burnt patch from Mina - you gasped, before falling backwards. It wasn't looking good, you were going to-


You grinned as you saw Iida standing with the flag proudly. You had won.

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