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Cesare's POV:

Being with Savannah made me feel alive. I wanted her, but I knew that I couldn't give her what she needed. There was much anger built up within me, and it wouldn't go away, not while Armando and Isabella were still alive.

Seeing him running away... I was so close to avenging my sister, but Savannah stopped me. She claimed she did it to save my life, however, I viewed her decision as selfishness. Once Lorenzo found out what she did, he was angry.

It takes a lot to get Lorenzo to that point. Yet, I couldn't help but think we went a bit overboard. Savannah almost died again, and we didn't even care. Sophia became our priority, ultimately causing us to push Savannah away. After we cooled down and had a talk with our parents, they set us straight.

My Mother was disappointed in how we behaved. Our Father wasn't particularly happy about it either. He actually liked Savannah. Knocking on her room door made me impatient when she refused to answer. "She's not here. She left 2 hours ago." Laura said, coming out of her own room. "Did something happen between you two again?" She looked at me, waiting for an explanation.

I opened Savannah's room door and cursed. All traces of her were gone. I took out my phone and called her. When she didn't answer the 2nd time, I felt sick to my stomach. What if Armando got to her? "Here. Let me try." Lorenzo tried to call her, but it was all to no avail as well.

"Mom told me what you two did. How could you be so heartless?" Giulia burst into the room and chewed us out. "After everything Savannah did for you..."

"We know.... we're trying to fix it." We said flooding her phone with calls and text messages. We all went our separate ways as we tried to think of ways to get in touch with Savannah. I called her for several hours until she finally answered.

"I don't want to talk to you so, stop calling me!" She hung up before I could get a word in, but I felt the pain in her voice.

"Just let me know if you're safe?" I sent her a text message, but she kept it on 'read'.

I can't lose her.

Laura's POV:

I called Savannah that night, and to my surprise, she answered on the first ring. "Hello?"

"Hi Savannah. It's Laura."

"Hi Laura!" She took a moment to collect herself. "I'm fine... still in Italy. I just had to get away for a few days." The sound of her voice breaking, brought me to tears.

Savannah was the bravest woman she had ever met. When Lorenzo told me that she was Cesare's soulmate, I knew we had to protect her at all cost. "May I come and visit you tomorrow? Giulia will most likely be coming with me."

"Sure. I would like that." Savannah gave me her address, and we bid each other a good night. I found Giulia in the kitchen and told her of my conversation with Savannah.

"I'm so happy that she wants to see us." Giulia clapped. "We have to protect her heart until Cesare is mature enough to care for it."

I agreed with her wholeheartedly. Savannah was Cesare's good thing. We never liked Isabella or Armando. Something was always off about them, but Savannah was the real deal. Her past was heartbreaking. The Lord was preparing her to meet us, just by her encounter with our slain cousin Domenico and baby sister Sophia.

"What are you two talking about?" Our mother came into the kitchen to get a cup of water. "Any word from Savannah?"

I nodded my head. "She answered my call. Giulia and I are going to visit her tonight. She's all the way in Trapani."

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