Chapter 6

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The next morning the girls got ready and headed for school. Jay arrived at school first and all eyes were on her.

Yes all eyes on me, I love it! Jay thought to herself. As Jay walked through the hallway of staring eyes and compliments she noticed something was off.

Hey Sadia whose the new people? Jay asked.

Oh them they just transfered this morning, I don't know their names but their seniors so we'll find out later on. Sadia replied.

Yass boo! Baby girl look right. Eyebrows on fleek, dress code on point and shoe game unstoppable. Nails and hair done Alright! Naia said as she walked over to Jay and Sadia.

Yes girl its only right.

Hey Sadia. Naia said.

Hey. Sadia replied.

We finna go sit or just stand here so everyone can get a good look of you Jay? Naia asked.

Yup I want everyone to see me. Jay responded.

That's childish cause everyone gonna see you through out the day. Sadia stated.

Oh. Well I'm sorry I have to be a dress code model for some people who don't have style. Jay said.

Girl nobody asked you nor told you to do that you chose it...

No it chose me! Jay cut in.

Whatever you do you. Naia said.

As soon as Naia and Sadia sat down on the table the bell rang and it was time to go to class. The girls said their goodbyes and departed to first period.

When Naia got inside her classroom she noticed there was a new student.

Alright class settle down, the ENG 4 teacher said. As some of you may know we have a new student his name is Jamal Starr. He's a senior just like you guys so treat him like one. Anyways everyone turn to page 121 Don't Judge Me.

Ooh we have a student! Naia thought to herself. Well I'm betting before the day is over he's probably gonna get his dick sucked, so much hoes and sluts around this school!

After 3 dreading periods it was time for lunch. Everyone rushed to lunch as usual while the rest to the vending machine. As Naia was walking to the spot where she met up with her friends the new guy, Jamal approached her.

Hey. Jamal said.

Hi. Naia replied.

Do you know where the cafeteria is?

Duh the fuck I've been in this school for 4 FUCKING years of course I know where that shit is! Naia thought to herself, Yeah you walk straight turn on your left and you'll see it. Naia said.

Alright thanks! Jamal said, flashing his big pearly white straight teeth.

Damn this nigga got some nice ass teeth. Naia thought, walking to the table.

Hey girl! Jay said.

Hey, had a good day?

Yup. A very good day!

OK. Sadia is she ok? Like this woman is hard down glowing and shit, I mean I wanna have a good day too.

She was like this all morning. Ion know if it was the clothes, but if it is she gotta let me know where she bought them cause I need me some happiness. Sadia said.

Trust! Boo you getting dick today?

Fuck y'all! I can't be happy since y'all hoes miserable! Ion need dick to make me happy, I gotta life fuck nigga! Jay stated.

Oh there she is. Sadia said.

Imma stop this before it gets bigger than it really is cause I see y'all mad.

Whoa, whos getting mad? Naia asked.

For real cause I wanna know. Sadia said.

Dont wanna put nobody out, but um Naia and Sadia. I didn't want to say anything, but I thought I should let you guys know since I am a true friend. Jay said.

Do you hear this! Sadia said.

Ion know if my ears are deceiving me or did she just say that. Naia said

You know what imma just be quiet.


So how was everyone morning? Jay asked.

Naia and Sadia gave each other the 'Is She Serious' look.

So nobody gon talk? Alright that's fine with me. Jay said as she got up when the bell rang and went her way.

Just one more period and the day is over. Jay thought. Jay couldn't help but notice the new guy Chris Hamilton stare at her. At first she wanted to snap on him but then since she was feeling herself and having a good day she decided not to just as he was walking oven to her she noticed how fine he was.

Hi. Chris said.

Hello. Jay replied.

I ain't mean to look at you that hard, but damn you fine ass fuck. I ain't even gon ask you if you have a boyfriend cause most likely you do, but if not this niggas at this school sorry as fuck.

Thanks, you look good too.

So you a senior right?


How long you been at this school?


You look familiar as fuck you been on TV before?


Your parents celebrities right.

Yeah Princess William and Jonathan McCall.

Cool. My dad met your mom at a photo shoot and he's also worked with your dad for a project.

Is your dad Wyld Hamilton?


Your dad is funny and cool as hell.

Yeah try living with this man for 18 years, he always annoying me to help him with his sitcoms and stupid shit. They get old real quick.

Well at least your dad is funny.

Your dad ain't so bad. I met him before he pretty cool himself.

Try knowing him for 18 years of your life.

Well I guess we both can agree that our parents aren't the best behind closed doors.


So before class ends... do you know where room 748 is?

Yea its the first floor of this building its gonna be on your right.

Aight cool. Chris said as he got up when the bell rang for the last period of the day.

Jay finished packing up turned around to look at Chris one more time, said bye and kept it moving.

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