first glance

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In the slender mansion
The boys were sitting in front of the TV watching the
The serial killer gang's massacre.
The gang killed 1000 people last night.
A video had been left by lethal Luna :
Luna :hello my dear future preys. Thinking of the massacre right? Well we did it for a memorial celebration of our thousandth kill.
Marionette:and we'll do that again after the next aim, which is ten thousand.
Luna: DON'T TALK WHILE I AM TALKING MARIONETTE So yeah and that would be very soon so good bye mother fuckers
  Ben:well never heard of this gang.
Slendermans:it's my daughter's gang.
Jeff:You have a daughter?
Slenderman :yeah

Its me on the right,my daughter on the left,and my wife in the middle

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Its me on the right,my daughter on the left,and my wife in the middle. And the surprise is that we are going on a one month long mission, so you all are staying together. And you all are sharing rooms and partnered
Liu:but why
Slenderman: because I don't trust y'all that much to leave the mansion on your watch .
Jeff:c'mon I don't wanna be with a group of girls. And why are we partnered.
Slenderman :you will know it soon.Now no more talking now. It's time to sleep .

In the slendrina mansion
Slendrina:...........And the surprise is that we are going on a one month long mission, so you all are staying together. And you all are sharing rooms and partnered.
Luna:da fuck?
Roxy:guess it will be fun.

Marionette : uhhh  what about  the partner names
Slendrina:the proxies will tell you later
Now.........TO THE BED.
Everyone went to their rooms,To sleep for an exciting tommorow

the four lovey-doveys (Jeff x reader) Where stories live. Discover now