first glance pt.2

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The next night
The boys were walking through the forest,towards the slendrina mansion.....from about an hour
Jeff:why can't we just teleport?
Slenderman : because walking is good for you more talking,were here.
Saying so he took the others inside a mansion,with his daughter waiting for him
Slendrina:hey Dad. The girls are in the living room.
Slenderman :okay sweetie,let's go.
Then they teleported.
Jeff:came walking with us.......and teleported with his daughter,I wonder what mission could it be.
Masky:now let's go to the the living room.
As they we went to the living room,they saw a group of girls surrounding a particular one playing a game as they also joined.
Ben: whatcha playing?
Marionette:baldi's basics
As they turned towards the screen. As you were playing the game.
Luna:okay so 2+2=4,4+56=60 and *glitch question* anybody got a calculator?
Roxy:let me see. Wait it's showing error
Luna:so let's write anything here ......46?
Whoa what was that ? who's getting beated.
You saw baldi, coming towards you.
Whoa whoa whoa I gotta run.
As you started walking, leaving baldi behind ,play time came towards you.
Play time:cooome nowwww play with me. One......... Two........... Three........
Luna:do quick baldi is coming
As you saw baldi pacing towards you.
And he caught you .
Luna:fuck playtime. FUCK PLAYTIME.
Stitches:well the boys are let's me introduce ourselves.lulu , laughing Jill, clockwork,hoods,lazari,Roxy, marionette, Luna,and I am stitches.
She said while pointing  towards each of you let me introduce my team.E.j,L.j, Toby, hoodie,Sally,liu,Ben,Jeff and I am Masky.
He said , pointing towards each of them.
Stitches:good. Now let me tell the partners-
Lulu and E.j
L.Jill and l.jack
Clockwork and Toby
Hoods and hoodie
Lazari and Sally
Roxy and liu
Marionette and Ben
Luna and Jeff
Me and Masky .now girls lead the boys to their rooms .
As y'all went with their partner,you and Jeff walked together, with a surprise waiting for him  .

the four lovey-doveys (Jeff x reader) Where stories live. Discover now