Part 1

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"Rose." A voice's whisper echoed through the long dark hallway. A big black wooden door was at the end, light glowed behind it, shinning through the cracks of the door frame.

"Rose." It whispered again.

I squinted my eyes. A dark figure appeared by the door.

"Rose." The voice got louder. "Rose!" It started yelling my name. The echoing of the voice made the hallway start to shake and crumble.

I scrambled out of the way as the floor beneath me started to crack and give in to itself causing a gaping hole in the middle of the hallway.

"Jump." The strange voice filled the hallway once again.

"What!" I yelled. "I'll die if I do!" I looked around, a old ax was perched on the wall. The handle was wooden and the top was what I'm guessing is gold. I quickly grabbed it. I underestimated how heavy it was and was pulled down as it hit the floor.


"No!" I screamed. I picked up the ax again. This time I managed to pull it up near my chest.


"Leave me alone!" I clutched the ax closer to me. I stepped back and looked around, my eyes glazed with fear.

"JUMP!" The voice thundered around me, engulfing me with waves of pain.

"Make it stop!" I gripped my head as I fell to the ground. "Stop!" I cried out.

"Too late!"

The floor cracked beneath my body causing me to fall. I screamed as I fell into the darkness below.

I looked down, I saw a stone floor coming up to me fast.

Right as I hit the ground I jolted awake.

I was soaked in sweat and was crying. I looked around me, I was back at home, in my little room in my cottage on the top of a hill.

I looked at my little sister who was sleeping soundly on her bed across from me. Her blond hair messily covering up her face.

I grinned a little at the sight of her. I would do anything to protect her, she's the reason why I get up in the morning. After my parents were taken by the king as prisoners I'm all she's got, and in some way, she's all I got, even though I have my best friends,'s not the same.

I shiver as the cold wind brushed against my skin lightly. I turned towards the window, it was located on the side of my bed that was against the wall. 

I peered outside and my eyes were met with a beautiful forest and a small pond near my home. 

I looked up at the night sky and took a deep breath. I held it as I looked at the full moon, it was a little covered by the trees, but just at the bottom.

I released my breath and smiled, I knew the sun was going to come up soon so I didn't bother trying to go back to sleep.

I slowly stood up and made my way to the door that was across the room. I pass my sister and step over her favorite rag doll that my mother made for her for her birthday a couple years ago. Her last birthday that she was at. She was only seven when it happened, she's eleven now.

As for me, I'm a seventeen year old who's been hunting and providing for two mouths for four years. Well, it used to be three mouths, but, he didn't make it to the first year mark.

We don't talk about that anymore.

I opened the old wooden door slowly and creeped out of my room, I walked down a small hallway that family pictures were hung up on, the last one on the wall was the last picture painted of us as a family, with everyone.

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