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The next day everyone was doing their own task, senku worked in the lab he built, Taiju went out hunting while y/n sat inside the main fort carving bowls and other stuff when she heard talking and poked her head out the door way to see Taiju with a large basket on his back talking to senku "you got some crazy cheats going on with your endurance there Taiju , wow you got so much" senku said surprised as he stared at the basket . Senku sat down on the ground pulling out two baskets with the words edible and non edible as he started sorting each of the items " what the heck?" Y/n said to herself as she got up and walked over to the boys "oh y/n " senku said as he looked up at her "HELLO y/n Chan ~!!!" Taiju yelled as y/n sweat dropped "h-hi Taiju, hi senku" y/n said to the two boys "what are you guys doing ?" "Well I'm sorting out these mushrooms from edible to non edible so we don't die because this big oaf is clearly to dumb to know what's edible and what's not " senku replied as Taiju looked heart broken from his comment "oh yeah I'll take over the cooking " senku said putting his attention back on sorting the mushrooms "REALLY YOU MEAN IT !" Y/n said happily "yeah I figured you needed a break " senku said slightly smiling "OH THANK YOU SENKUUU!!!" Y/n yelled jumping on the boy , wrapping her arms around him "H-hey you too close!" Senku said blushing crazily "G-Get off!" Senku said trying to escape your grip " not until you hug me back!" Y/n said "argh fine " senku said wrapping his arms around her waist shoving his face in her neck "your lucky you smell so nice " senku whispered to himself " what was that ?" Y/n asking " N-nothing, now get off of me!" Senku said lightly pushing y/n off when his eyes met taiju's who was currently standing there dumbfounded "o-oi don't just stand there get to work!" Senku yelled as Taiju saluted and ran off "senku definitely like y/n Chan " Taiju laughed to himself "what are you laughing at ?" Y/n said confused as she looked at y/n " oooh nothing in particular ~" Taiju said running off " he is so weird sometimes..., but I can't blame him at a time like this we need someone to lighten the mood " y/n said looking at the forest up ahead.

Later that evening senku had prepared cooked mushrooms , the gang had stuffed their belly's and went on with their business, Taiju went out again and y/n this time went in the lab with senku and helped around . " hey can you get the bottles off the top shelf please " senku asked as y/n nodded ( idk if u wanna be tall or short but this shelf is supposed to be taller than you , senku is 5'7)

Y/n grabbed a handmade stool and stepped on it trying to reach the bottle senku required " damn you bottle " y/n said to herself when the handmade stool leg broke off making y/n start to fall over "Y/N !" Senku yelled catching her as the bottle fell to the ground shattering " BE CAREFUL !" Senku yelled sweating as worry spread across his face "next time if you can't reach it tell me !" Senku said gripping y/n tighter "oi relax I wasn't gonna die " y/n said to senku when seriousness came over his face "y/n anything could happen this isn't the world we used to live in anymore, this is the Stone Age " senku said looking deeply into y/n 's eyes "I get it already " y/n said getting up dusting herself off "let's go find Taiju " she said " wait " senku said when he grabbed her wrist pulling her into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist " I care about a lot you hear " senku said "I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt or even died " senku said tightening his grip lifting his head up kissing her forehead "s-senku" y/n said softly


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