Chapter 13

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The next morning Lexi woke to the sound of the shower running in the next room and she stretched herself out on the bed. she was still so tired and then she remembered. She thought it was just a dream that she was waking up from, only one way to check. she picked up her phone and turned it over. unlocking it she scrolled straight to his message from last night, staring at the message she smiled to herself. She hoped he still wanted to see her when he woke this morning. she almost sent him a message to say good morning, but decided against it, it was only half 8 he would still be asleep and the last thing she wanted to do was wake him up.

Liz walked into the bedroom and smiled as soon as she saw Lexi awake.

"morning you. how you feeling?" she asked

"I won't lie I'm knackered, but I slept like a baby when my head hit the pillow. I just had to check last night actually happened" she said holding up her phone

"oh, it happened alright! you fell asleep whilst I was interrogating you" Liz laughed "and you have a date this evening" she squealed jumping on the bed.

"as long as he doesn't change his mind this morning" she replied staring at her phone.

"that will NOT happen so don't even think about it. Right are we telling the others or keeping this quiet for now?" she asked rubbing her hair dry

"just between us for the moment, I don't even know what to tell anyone" Lexi said deciding a shower would make her feel much more positive.

"no problem" Liz said "your secret is safe with me"

Lexi quickly showered and finished packing just as the girls knocked on the adjoining door.

"aww Lex you looked knackered" Jackie said " at least you can sleep tonight now" she smiled

"yes, I just need to catch up that's all" she said trying not to say too much, knowing how she is when tired.

They went down to breakfast all ravenous after not eating much the day before.

After they ate they collected their bags and left the hotel. Once the cars were loaded they said their goodbyes and headed their separate ways.

Liz dropped her off at the flat and turned to face Lexi.

"good luck tonight, you know where I am if you want me for anything. Have an amazing time and call me tomorrow I need details" she leant forward and hugged Lexi tightly.

" I will I promise" she said and made her way to her flat.

Letting herself in, she dropped her bag in the hallway and walked into the kitchen. she switched on the kettle and made herself a cup of tea, smiling to herself as she moved from room to room cleaning each one to keep herself from falling asleep. Stripping the bedding she realized how tired she actually was.

she heard her phone ring from the other room and ran to answer it. picking it up she read the screen and quickly answered it.

"good afternoon" she said

"it is isn't it" Gary replied. she could hear his smile through the phone." I'm just calling to check we are still on for tonight? I know it's a late one, but I should be able to come pick you up around 11.30 is that okay?"

"sounds perfect" Lexi said " should I text over my address or is it easier to meet you somewhere?

"no text me the address. What would you like? Chinese? Indian?" he asked

"I'm happy with either really, whichever is easiest for you after the show" she replied smiling

"great well I'll see you tonight then" he said, she could tell he was still smiling.

"see you tonight" she said, " I can't wait"

" me neither" he said hanging up the phone.

Lexi walked into the bedroom and climbed into bed. If he as picking her up at 11.30 tonight she needed to get some sleep. She fell asleep with a smile on her face.

It was only a dream.... wasn't it?Where stories live. Discover now