Threats and Arguements

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Hey loves so for the next couple days going to be doing update after update but moving to a different state soon so don't be too mad at me when it's not as regularly updated, it's gonna be tough finding a job and going back to school but know I love this pairing n the reactions u guys give to this story so I'm not giving it up at all I'll let u know when it's happening so ur not like wtf did she die haha anyywayyy onto the story

Evie POV
The pocket watch was as shiny as the day he gave it to me. Seeing as how nothing on the isle was shiny except this I knew it had to be important to him. I kept it hidden from everybody, always in the safest place. It was even the first thing I grabbed when I found out I was coming to Auradon. I picked it up and sighed, listening to the gears move and the ticking of the hands always calmed me down.
"It's pretty" I hear behind me. I squeak falling off the bed and turn to see Hades smirking at me.
"What are you doing here" I ask him getting up.
"Oh I just wanted to talk to you real quick"he says laying on my bed. I glare when he puts his boots on the bed. Pushing them off I glare at him.
"Ew were you raised on a barn" I ask him and looks at me
"Actually it was a cave" he says shrugging. I look at him and cross my arms over my chest expectantly.
"You know you remind me of someone" he says quietly. I knit my eyebrows together in confusion. He seems to shake himself out of it, before getting up and stalking over to me.
"You see, the thing is princess" he spits the word out like it burns his tongue. "I don't take too kindly to anyone putting their hands on me unless I allow it"  he shoved me into the chair in the corner looking me in my eyes. "While I admit you caught me off guard, the only reason I spared your life is because you're my daughters 'best friend'" he says and I narrow my eyes at him. I go to open my mouth but he stops me with a finger to my mouth.
"Eh eh not done yet, you see I have a special place in hell for the mortals who piss me off"he says his hair flaming quickly before going out just as fast. "Never do it again or you will have a one way ticket to that very special place" he tells me standing up starting to walk out.
"Hey" I call to him before I can stop myself. He turns and looks at me raising an eyebrow.
"No one tells me what to do" I say putting my hand on my hips. He looks at me strangely for a second.
"Who are you kid" he asks me.
"Evelyn, daughter of the evil queen" I say my chin held high. He looks at me fully before leaving in a poof of blue smoke. I cough waving the smoke away from my face.
"gods" I say rolling my eyes.

Going downstairs I see Uma and Gil asleep on the couch. Uma's head on his shoulder and his hand holding onto her waist softly. I take a quick picture before I walk into the kitchen. Jay and Ben are talking quietly in the corner while Mal is sitting down at the table eating the cookies Gil laid out yesterday. I smile at her looking around quickly.
"Where's Harry" I ask my eyes widening as I sit down. "Please don't tell me he found the alcohol, I've been trying to keep him from that since they started staying here"
Mal laughs at me pushing some of the cookies my way.
"Nah, he said he wanted to take a walk" she tells me and I nod. It probably is stuffy in here for a band of pirates. He probably missed being on water.
"So" she starts and I look at her confused.
"Soo" I say prompting her to finish her thought.
"Why have you been M.I.A lately, Ben told me you asked for some time off so you can do something, you asked to only be present at really important meetings cause you had to work on something" she asks looking at me. I stop myself from fidgeting, not knowing what to say. "At first I thought it was because of Doug but you don't seem to be doing too bad on that front so it's gotta be something else" she says and I sigh. I can't tell her, she'll want to help, and not only is it too dangerous she already has a lot on her plate. I shrug and shove a cookie in my mouth to give me some time. I've never lied to any of them. Kept secrets sure, nobody knows how horrible my mother was or that I spent time with Harry on the isle, but lying. Never. I hate lies, they're too messy.
"There's just been a lot on my plate lately" I say truthfully. "With the ball in a couple of days, these guys staying over, on top of the breakup and not to mention my mother being in the loose now I just needed a break" I tell her trying to keep it as close to the truth as I can. She nods and looks at me.
"Do you think she'd come after you" she asks me and I shrug.
"I'm not sure" I say and she nods.
"You know you can tell me everything, right E" she says taking my hand and I nod.
"I know Mal but there's just so much to say and everything in my head is all jumbled together" I tell her honestly. Wishing I could tell her everything. She nods understanding me. Before I can open my mouth again I feel someone slump in the seat beside me. I turn and find Harry.
"Hello there princess" he says waving at me and I smile.
"Hi Harry" I say and he puts his arm on the back of my chair.
"An' what were ye lovely ladies talkin' about" he asks and I roll my eyes looking at Mal. "Maybe a dashin' pirate with strong arms an' a great accent" he says smirking at me. I put my face in my hands.
He's going to use that for the rest of my life.
I look up at his face and smirk putting a hand under my chin.
"Not exactly but if you know of one I'd be happy to meet him" I tell him wiping the smile off his face.
"Ye know ye should treat yer guest better than that" he tells me and I laugh.
"Oh like how you treated my couch and broke my vase" I ask him. He smirks.
"I can show ye how well I can treat someone" he says putting a hand on my thigh. I slap it away and he laughs at me. I shake my head at him and turn away trying to cover a smile, but when I turn Mal is looking at us, a weird expression on her face. I can see the suspicion in her eyes as something clicks in her head. She looks me in my eyes, opening her mouth to speak. Before she can though Ben comes up behind her.
"Mal we should go it's getting pretty late" he says and Jay nods next to him.
"Yea I should go too, I've got training in the morning on top of crime solving" he says his eyes widening for a second for effect. I nod grateful to get away from whatever question Mal was going to ask. I get up and give them all hugs. Mal looks like she wants to protest but when Jay reminded her of the investigation she remembered she needed her rest to deal with everything the morning would bring. I give them all cookies for the road and hug Mal and Ben. Jay lingers behind for a moment.
"You gonna be okay here" he asks me and I nod confused.
"Yea Jay this is my home" I say showing in my tone how strange the question was. He walks in front of me and sighs.
"I know you are and I know these guys are good now and even helping us but that doesn't change that not too long ago they would've kidnapped you or Ben or even Mal, any of us get something they wanted" he says. I raise an eyebrow at him.
"Jay I'm fine, they're our friends now" I say putting a hand on his shoulder. "They wouldn't do that"
"Okay Gil wouldn't and I know you and Uma are friends now but Harry is unpredictable and with his father out there who knows what he can do" he says and I shake my head.
"Look Harry can be a bit unpredictable but wouldn't do anything to me" I tell him and he nods.
"Fine but keep the piece I gave you on your person at all times, at least to make me feel better" he says hugging me. I nod and he sighs pulling away.
"Call me later okay" he says and I nod again kissing his cheek as he walks out. I close the door behind him and sigh putting my forehead against the door. He was way too over protective.
"So I'm still a threat to ye aye princess" I hear behind me. I turn around to see Harry leaning against the wall, playing with his hook.
"What?" I ask and he laughs coldly. "Harry you just heard me tell him that-" I start only to be cut off by him.
"I heard ye tell 'im that ye agreed I was unpredictable" he says stalking forward. I stand my ground this time though.
"Harry I didn't mean it in a bad way" I say and he snarls.
"But ye agreed wit' 'im didn't ye" he says his hook pushing hair away from my face. "Ye think I'd sell ye out to me da" he asks me voice going low. I shove him away and he laughs again. "I should've known" he says and I give him a cold laugh myself.
"Known what Harry" I ask him crossing my arms over my chest. He traps me against the door again, both arms on either side of my face.
"That ye're still just a spoiled princess who doesn't give a rats ass about a pirate, that he'd get ye to turn on me again, that ye never cared about anyone or anythin' except gettin' that damn castle and trophy husban'" he says.
I glare at him, feeling my cheeks growing red with anger and embarrassment. I run upstairs to pack a bag.
"Go ahead an' run princess that's what ye're best at anyway" he yells up after me. I pack some clothes and look at the jewelry box I put the watch in, still on my bed. I grab the watch and stomp downstairs. Uma and Gil are up now. Gil is glaring while Uma is yelling. I don't understand what she's saying because I'm too focused on his angry face. The red outline of my hand still there.
" I don't care?" I growl out at him and he looks down his nose at me.
"I kept this" I say holding up the watch. "I kept it everyday because that pirate who saved me was my first real friend, I always knew how you were but I believed in you anyway." I say walking forward my face coming closer and closer to his shocker face. "I have no idea who you are though" I say shoving it at him and walking out. I hear Gil calling my name but I'm in my car and driving away before you can 'say stupid pirates'.

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