Chapter 2- Family vacation

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A couple of months have passed since May's death, Peter's birthday, May's funeral, and MJ moving in (she was right about the tattoo). Now Midtown high is out for the summer and Peter is going on his first family vacation since being adopted by the Starks.

Tony, Pepper, Peter, MJ, Wanda, Nat, and Bruce are on the Stark yacht about to leave when Tony turns to the group.

Alright, me and Pep are in the master cabin, Pete, you and Bucky (after DC) are next door, Next to you is Nat and Bruce, across from them is MJ and Wanda, with the empty cabin between MJ and us is for the Rogers when we pick them up in DC.

With that the trip began, originally Gwen and Harry were going to come but went on a ski trip to the Osborne family cabin in Canada. Thankfully, the change of plans allowed Bucky and the Rogers to join after their yearly DC Trip ended.

On the first day of the week, it rained so that everyone watched Back to the Future and a romcom with Adam Sandler in it, Peter didn't care for the movie but did enjoy MJ falling asleep on his shoulder before he leaned over on her head and fell asleep as well.

Day two was more exciting, everyone was hanging out on the back deck of the yacht and since it's summer, everyone was wearing their swim suits.

Tony had on Short and a white muscle shirt, Pepper had on a sun dress, Peter came out in a pair of shorts muscles out in the open then Bruce and Nat came out, Bruce was in shorts and a t-shirt, Nat in a black swim suit she clearly had in her assassin days, Wanda just wore normal clothes, Finally MJ came out in a stunning blue bikini that perfectly showed off her tattoo, this is Peters first time seeing MJ so exposed.

MJ, you look gorgeous in that bikini.

She blushed and looked at Pete's abs.

You also look good.

He blushed.

So, Pete can you get my back?

Of course, babe.

Tony looked scared at this while everyone else was proud at Peter's kindness and great dating skills.

The whole rest of the day, everyone hung out. MJ mostly suntanned while Peter read a book he brought with him, when MJ wasn't sun tanning she would sit next to Peter and hold his hand as he read or rubbed his back if he was lying down.

At the end of the day Peter and MJ were in the hot tub together until Tony thought they were to close and had dinner early.

On day three, they arrived in DC and spent the day there. Picking up Steve, Peggy, and Bucky.

On the forth day, they got to the Stark's private island and hung out on the beach.

Peter, with some help from Cap, made Burgers, and made a cake for MJ with Wanda and Peggy's help.

On day five, Peter went on a hike with MJ, she tripped and twisted her ankle.

F*** my ankle.

MJ are you OK? Peter asked worriedly.

Yeah just help me up. Peter helps MJ up and she takes one step before falling, being caught by Peter.

Babe, you can't walk on that foot, I'll carry you back. Peter than gets up off his knees and lefts MJ up (standing still) and carries her back.

I'm sorry Pete, I know you wanted to take me on a picnic, but I ruined that.

No, you didn't, I'd rather carry you home and eat on the back deck than eat in the woods with you in pain.

They got back to the house and Peter called to Everyone on the back deck.

Uncle Bruce I need you to look at MJ's Foot, I think she twisted it!

Bruce meets him half way from the deck to the trees.

Sit her on the couch I'll get the med kit.

MJ looked at Peter scared.

Pete, do you think it's serious?

No babe, it's probably just twisted.

Bruce returns and looks at her ankle.

Yup it's definitely twisted, I'm going to have to set it.

MJ looks at Peter terrified, he gives her his hand and she squeezes it tight.

And there you go, just stay off your foot and it should feel better by tomorrow.

Peter picks up MJ.

Do you still want that picnic?

Of course Pete.

Peter takes MJ out to the yard and sits her down for there picnic. They just lay in the yard and talk, holding hands all afternoon.

Peter scoops her up again and takes her inside, they eat ice cream and watch a movie with Wanda. Then ate dinner after they watched a movie, MJ fell asleep. Peter noticed and turned of the movie since he was also tired, he took her up to her room.

MJ woke up for a couple of minutes.

Pete, thanks for today.

Your welcome babe, I love you.

Love you too, Pete good night.


Peter then went to his bed and fell asleep.

Day six the group took a short yacht trip to Savannah, Georgia after breakfast and spent the day there.

Day seven, after breakfast the group took a short helicopter ride to Atlanta where they boarded the Stark jet after lunch and headed back to NYC.

On the ride MJ feel asleep on Peter's shoulder, not wanting to wake her, Peter first puts the bags in the car than returns for MJ.

When he got back to the tower happy, and Cap got the bags so Peter could get MJ.

At the living level Pete lied MJ on her bed kissing her on the forehead.

Leaving with an I love you.

Before leaving MJ's bag on her bathroom counter then he went to bed himself.

Peter had gotten closer to MJ and his family on this trip.

AN: go read the Phil Coulson book than come back, or you will be kinda confused later.

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