Dare for Candor: xCelestIceHimex!

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xCelestIceHimex's Dare:

I dare Candor to kiss Winter CX with NO foul play involved. 

Windor for life

Me: Oh... oh dear Lord... you guys really like this ship....

Candor: *stares unblinkingly at the dare*

Me: Candor, man, don't go off on me, if ya really don't wanna do it I can--

Candor: Get Winter.

Me: Pardon moi?

Candor: You're not deaf. Get Winter. Bring her here. 

Me: *stunned* U-Uh, yeah, I'll... just go do that... *runs off for Winter* Oi, Ice Prince's Princess! Candor's looking for ya.... *mumbles to self* Oh I'm so making a scene outta this...

Author-chan is getting annoying, dammit. 

Winter stumbled into the guild, looking exhausted from her recent job. Loke and Candor were both acting on their own again, leaving her to tackle the request board all on her lonesome. She didn't mind, per se, but she much preferred company on the long treks between towns, especially when her seatmate on the train seemed to think it prudent that they discuss - in depth - the importance of manure in one's daily skincare rituals.

Even if "products" didn't already irritate her sensitive skin, Winter would have (not-so-politely) declined the woman's offer of a free bottle of cow shit she'd just happened to have stuffed into her pocket.

That, however, had been several days ago, when she'd first set off to complete her job. Now, she was returning, and evidently the trip had taken a toll on her. Dark circles were burned beneath her usually gleaming brown eyes, and her mouth appeared sunken into a perpetual grimace; she walked with her shoulders hunched forward and her head bowed, as though she were too fatigued to fully support its weight. 

Her loving author had been all-too aware of her ptiful state, her unwavering desire to simply drop onto a bed and sleep for a millenium, so why had she called her here under the pretense that Candor of all people was searching for her?

As Winter collapsed onto a bar stool with a muffled groan of protest, she heard footsteps behind her. Too tired to raise her head, she growled, "Whaddya want, bastard? Can't ya see I'm a little busy here?" She meant to be menacing, though the effect was all but lost, as her voice sounded no more impressive than a whining child's with her body so weighed down by exhaustion.

"Busy? With what? Contemplating you're meaningless existence in the grande scheme of the universe, are we?"

Oh. She knew that scathing undertone, that childish amusement she found simulatenously infuriating and endearing. 

"Candor." The one word, the name, was oddly distinct, despite her head beind buried in the splintered wood of the bar. "You were looking for me, right? What did you need? Are people picking on you 'cause of your creepy eyes or something? Because I told you, if you just smiled more and stopped glaring at people--"

"What I need is for you to close your mouth. Or rather, just stay quiet. And raise your head a bit."

Furrowing her brow, Winter complied, if only because the tone with which Candor spoke was foreign to her, at least from him.

He sounded almost... vulnerable.

She peeled her forehead from the scarred wood, shook her a head a fraction to dislodge the sweaty strands of hair that clung obnoxiously to her face, then spun in her seat to face Candor, whom she knew stood just behind her now. 

Something - some unrecognizable emotion - flitted through his cat-eyed gaze, but before she was given a chance to question it, Candor had seized her by the collar and dragged her upwards until a pair of warm, tentative lips connected with hers, numbed as they were due to her immediate shock.

It lasted only seconds, but the damage had been done when Candor recoiled, carelessly releasing her jacket as he did an about-face and stalked off across the room; however, after a few steps, he paused and caught her stare over his shoulder.

"I wouldn't put any meaning behind what's just transpired. I did it on a whim. You are my toy after all; you're only useful for testing out unpleasant theories."

And with that, he seemed to vanish from the guild, and Winter stared after his retreating figure in what could only have been a complete lack of comprehension.

What the shitting hell just happened?

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