Chapter 13

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The next day I faked cramps and mom let me stay home. I can't go to school and see him. It's to soon. I lay in bed crying, I knew this wouldn't work. Why am I so stupid, he's popular with popular friends. Why would I even think he could make time for me. My phone goes off. It was Jace

*Hey you ok?*

*Yeah I'll be fine.*

*I get the sense you're lying to me.*

*Im fine Jace, I swear.*

*Well in that case, come let me in.*


*Im at your house.*

*Dude, that's not funny. You don't even know where I live.*

*Yes I do.*

* Now I'm so not letting you in stalker.*

*Ok so maybe I'm not at your door. But I could be if you'd let me come over.*

*Ugh! I don't really feeeeeel like it.*

* I'll bring food.*


I text him my address and lay in bed waiting. My mom recently started back to work and so did my dad so they both get home super late. As for my brother he's usually at a friends house. So it's just me in this empty house most of the time. I decide to play some music, I hook up my phone to my speaker and begin to play some 5SOS, my secret obsession. As I'm listening my phone goes off, it's a text from Jace. I run to the door and fling it open grabbing the food.

"Nice to see you too." he says.

"What did you get?" I ask, pulling items from the bag and placing them on the counter. "Burger King.  And I got us both Oreo milkshakes to try." he holds them up.

"Cool, now which ones mine." I finish laying all the items out and rub my hands together in anticipation. He chuckles and comes over to divide up the food and we go to sit in the living room. "So why weren't you at school today?" he asks. "Issues" I say. "What kind of issues?" "The boy kind." I say, digging into my fries. "Ohhh, and pre-tell who is the boy?" he asks.

"Well, now he's my ex-boyfriend. I ended things last night. But I don't feel any better." I sigh in frustration. "What was wrong with him?" he asks.  "Absolutely nothing! It's what's wrong with me. He's literally perfect, but I'm miss invisible and I feel like I'd just bring him down." I sigh in defeat. Saying it out loud made it seem like such a petty reason, but in my mind it was important. All I was doing was dragging him down, He would eventually get tired of me so in a way I was saving myself from heartache too. "So wait, you broke up with a completely normal guy, because you thought he was to good for you?" he checks.

"Pretty much." I nod in agreement. "I know we just became friends, but girl you are stupid." he says. "Thanks for the confidence." I really want him back, but I can't hurt him. I can't drag him down with my bland personality and boring hobbies. "Ok here's what's gonna happen. You are gonna take time off work. Then you're gonna come with me and some friends to my lake house over break. Got it?" he says. "How is that gonna help?" I ask.

"Because, you invite some of your friends then word will get around school and he'll hear about it. Get all mad and come up to the lake house." Jace explains. "That's a little extreme." I say. "Fine, don't come to my super awesome lake house with jet skis and a heated indoor pool." he tempts. "Ugh! Fine! How many friends can I bring?" I ask. "I don't care. Just no freshman. I can't stand them." he says. "Wooow! You do realize you were a freshman right?" I ask. "Yes, and I was an annoying asshole. That's why I don't like them." He states biting into his burger.

"You're a hateful little bugger. I like it!" I laugh. We finish eating and turn the TV on to watch a movie. Jace crouched down to scan through my movie selection. "Bit of a horror freak are we?" he asks looking back at me. "Just a little." I joke back. He continues to look until he pulls one out an places it in the player. He sits down and we wait for the movie to start. "What did you pick?" I ask "It's a surprise." he wiggles his eyebrows, which makes me bust out laughing. "Has anyone ever told you what a dork you are?" I ask. "Many a time, yes." he answers. The menu for the movie comes up and I see that it's 'Dead Silence'

"Yes! I love this movie! Beware the state of Mary Shaw, she had no children only dolls, and if you see her in your dreams be sure to never ever scream, or she'll rip your jaw out at the seam." I recite. My friend Hannah and I loved this movie as kids. Jace just stares at me, wide eyed.

"Has anyone ever told you, you're a bit disturbed?" he asks, mocking my previous question to him. "Yes actually. But I take it as a compliment. Now hit play!" I command.

I jump up and run to grab a blanket then settle in to watch the movie. Jace was a bit squeamish, as  I failed to mention to him that a poor girl gets her jaw ripped off within the first opening sequence. He went pale for a moment and closed his eyes until I told him the scene had passed. I giggled at his sudden gray complexion, and in retaliation he tossed what was left of his fries at me. I just picked a few up and ate them in defiance. He just chuckled and turned back to the movie. 

"Do you think I'm not good enough for Aiden?" I ask. Jace was an outside source, he didn't know me or Aiden. But for some reason I wanted his input. "No, I think that you think that. I think that you let yourself get in the way of your happiness and you tried to hurt him before he hurt you. It's actually a pretty toxic trait that you should get under control." He says all of this with a straight face, and uncaring tone. Despite the weight of his words being very harsh. I had never thought of mself as a toxic person, maybe Aiden was better off without me.

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