Chapter 16

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Pulling into the back parking lot, Aiden jumped out and helped me down. Seeing as heels are not my forté, we walked hand in hand to the church. To be honest I was a little nervous, this is the firs time we are going to church as a couple. I hope they don't go overboard with the questions, especially the younger ones, they are just a tiny bit boy crazy.

He held the door open for me and we made our way to the fellowship hall, I decided to have him mingle his way around, get a feel for everyone. Just like he said, the older ladies loved him. They thought he was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I found it oddly endearing the way he was so polite and made them laugh, he would occasional glance my way and smirk.

It was time for small groups so we made our way to the adolescents class, the way it's set up is unlike most rooms. Instead of chairs we have couches. Todd prefers to keep it that way, makes the room seem more inviting.

We take a seat and finally I can relax, "I think that went well." he says. "Me too, I think the older women were quiet taken with you." I smile. "What can I say, I'm just that charming." he cheeses showing all his teeth. "Suuurre!" I roll my eyes. Todd walks in, "Nice to meet you....." Todd fishes for Aiden's name. "Aiden." I finish for him. Todd laughs, "Aiden! I'm Todd. I'm the young life minster it's good to meet you!" he shakes Aidens hand and pats him in the back. One by one they start to trickle in, the younger girls watching Aiden intensely. Meanwhile the ones my age were smiling at me giving me a thumbs up of approval.


"See! Not that bad. We survived!" Aiden cheered. "Good, now let's get food." I groan. He pulls into a Sonic and we order, we sit and wait for our food just talking and laughing. It's already pretty busy here, what with the after church rush and all. Glad i'm not working. We get our food and leave to go back to his house. His family never seems to be home, it makes me wonder exactly what it is his parents do for a living.

"So, what do you want to do now?" I ask. "Well, the thing I want to say probably wouldn't be appropriate seeing that we just left church." He smirks. I face palm my self, "You are horrible, you now that!?" I joke. He gives me a self satisfied grin, "Aside from whatever you were thinking of... what else?" I ask. "Well, we could play some video games?" He tries. "Cool, what do you have?" I ask. "Well, I have a whole box of stuff in the living room, come take a look." we walk over to a little chest he has by the TV it has his name engraved. I search for a while finally settling on Left for Dead seeing as that's really the only game i'm good at. Don't even talk to me about Call of Duty.....


"OK I'm bored, and my eyes hurt." I set the controller down to rub my eyes. "Is that code for I give up and Aiden wins?" He asks. "Wins what? We are on the same team!" I point out. He shrugs, "I'm still awesome though!" He turns off the X-Box and comes to sit next to me. "What do you want to do now?" He asks. "I guess go home, it is Sunday, we have school tomorrow." I point out.

"Don't remind me!" He groans. "I have a Chemistry test that is gonna kill me." He puts his hands over his face.  " Have you studied?" I ask. "Not exactly..." He says. "What!? How do you expect to pass." I sit up and look at him.

"I don't know, wing it?" He tries. I roll my eyes, "OK, go get all your chemistry stuff. We are studying." I tell him pointing up stairs.

"NO! I don't wanna!" He whines. "I don't care. Now march." I say sternly. "Yes ma'am" He pouts dramatically. He slumps up the stairs and he returns a few moments later with a binder and a textbook. His binder is in disarray with notes everywhere. 

"First thing is first, we get this organized so that your notes actually make sense." I say as I begin to look at each paper, trying to determine which chapters they covered so that I could organize them. Aiden pushes my hair back and begins to kiss my neck in an attempt to distract me. And it almost works,  I close my eyes and lean my head to the side. He continues to kiss down my neck, and his hands begin to trail under my shirt. Just as he begins to tug at the hem of my bra, I pull away. 

"We really need to study. What would your parents think if your grades started slipping after we get back together?" I point out. "Well honestly I doubt they'd notice. Besides, you look so cute when you're focused." He continues to kiss my neck. "Tell you what, if you pull off at least a B I might be inclined to reward you." I try to imply that this reward would be well worth the effort. He takes the notes from my hand and begins to flip through his notes quickly, acting as though his was studying and super speed. I laugh at his exaggerated efforts and we begin to make sense of his notes.

"Now, tell me the abbreviated form for this." I point to sulfur on the periodic table. "Ok, you go up and over to the gases and then from there you use....crap I think its 1s1, 2p2....." He trails off forgetting the rest. "It's OK, you remembered to go up and over. That's better." I assure him.

"Thanks for helping me but it's getting late I really better get you home." He stands up and goes to grab his keys. I gather his remaining notes and put them back in his binder, I make sure to put the study guide we made into his front sleeve protector so that he could look it over tomorrow. I doubt he could pull off that B, but he has continued to surprise me so I should't underestimate him. 

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