lok, soul bonded

17 0 0


At a young age, Lok is in a house fire,

The amulets/titans feel this, and reach out for the boy, wishing to help him

As he is scared he feels the energy, he goes to a room that hold his parents titans, and some amulets float to him,

He merges with the titans, and such he become half titan

The story goes on from there, with his parent explaining things to him and the such

The titans Lok soul bonded with are as follows

Peque. Shifter. Ariel. Wildwood Druid, Arawn the Hunter, Madea, Neptunia. Dendras, Januseea the Gatekeeper, Raijin the Thunderbolt, Kerosan

Lok gains all titan abilities, weapons, object,

He can summon or become the titans,

He can talk to titans

He can impregnate males for his energy can change a person's body

Pairing if yaoi harem,

Lucas and Sophie switch roles


Soul bond is the titans become one in mind body and spirits with the seekers,

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