dinner and then alone at last

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At the restaurant,  hellow your highness table for four? Yes  I need you to get me a table in a private  area for the safety  of my girlfriend. Of course  your highness  right this way.  Here we are your waiter will be  in shortly please  don't  hesitate to  ask if you need anything.  Okay thanks. Guards why don't  you go  stand by  the  door and I will have the waiter come over and get your order.  Okay  will you be okay with that princess ? Yes just stay where you can be seen  and can see.  Yes your majesty.  I love you  Hugo.   I love you too baby.  Hey Sofia. Oh hey Randal.  It's good  to  see you again Randal. I know its  been forever since I've seen you. Your  dad  is he still  beating  up on you? No I was  adopted  in  to the royal  family  in Enchancia.  Oh good  what can I get you to eat I will have the roast and a cola and what are you gonna have  Hugo darling.   I'll have the same  and the two guards by the door  will need  to  order aswell ok sire I will bring it right out. Hugo then  takes Sofia  by the  hand and carfuly takes her over to a  open area and take her other hand and says I want you to to dance  with  me  my love.   Okay Hugo but I  am  afraid I'm not sure I know  how to.  I'll teach  you how my love.  He then  pulls out a shiny new Music player  and plays a song he picked just for her. 

They slowly waltz to the song and  as it ends he leans in and kisses her softly.  As he pulls  out of the  kiss he look ovst at the table w see the waiter come over to get them  thier  food  when the guards rush over and state let us check that for you princess we don't  want you to  get hurt. They  take  a small bite and declare it safe for  the princess.  They bow and quickly returned to thier assigned post.the waiter then asks what was that about?  I have been receiving death threats from my birth father and they are just doing thier job. Oh okay but I am not one of them who would harm you and I cooked it myself.  Oh thank you Randal I am grateful to you. Oh  and Randal have you been introduced to the  royal  Prince  Hugo?  No but everyone in the kingdom  has heard of him. Oh well you can call me Hugo's girlfriend but please don't forget that you are going to have a good friend on your  hands Randal. I  will do my best to help  you  if the need arises.  Okay Sofia  sounds good but please don't go out of your way for  a commoner.   Okay I have  to  go back to work  but please take your time and eat.  Oh okay Randal I will see you again soon. Okay princess.  So Sofia how do you  know  him? He used to spend his summer  vacation  in  Enchancia  up the road from my old cottage. Okay I was just wondering.  Are you sure that's  all? Yeah  Sofia  I'm sure you have a right to be friends with anyone you like. Okay  thanks they finished the  dinner  with a lot of laughter and  small talk then they left a tip for  Randal and go back to Hugo's room for some  time  alone together.  Oh Hugo  let's please dance again. Okay Sofia sounds good but please don't go away  tonight. What stay here with you but I'm not sure I can my  family will be worried sick if I  don't  come home  tonight. I will send a message to your  mom and dad that your  fine but want to stay here with me.  Oh Hugo I just don't know I don't  have clothes or anything else I  need.  I can arrange for all the stuff to come back with the messenger. Please stay I need you baby.  I just got a small  amount of happiness  back in my life if you go I will just  be alone  and miserable all night. Oh  Hugo why not come stay with me  at my place. Dad said I have to  stay  here for a wile til things are settled down after  mom's death.Okay I'll stay but please make sure my family is okay with it  and that I get my night clothes and a dress for tomorrow . Okay  thanks baby you won't regret it.I hope so cause I don't know how long I can stay here with you but tonight is  fine.  I  love you baby  forevermore.  I  love you too baby and I always will.  So Sofia how old are you if you don't mind me asking?  I am actually fourteen years  old  and  I am  actually  on my cycle  so if you want to  talk about a family I am ready for you. Okay but I  think it would be better to wait until we are a little  older because  I  don't think my dad and brother would be okay with that princess.   We  are going to have to at some point though  Hugo. Okay how bout we ask dad and if he says  yes I'll put up a fight for it Okay? Okay Hugo  just  know I  don't have any interest in virginity any more.  Okay Sofia I'm gonna  go  get ready  to  see if  you can  stay  here with me. Wile your down  there ask your dad about  us mating. I  want you to go with me. Okay Hugo but I am not even sure I should. Dad won't  be angry at you for wanting to make  love I  just  have to be patient and tred softly when I ask him.  Oh okay Hugo let's go. With Hugo's  father.  Hey dad do you have a minute?  Yes I have always got time for you son.  Okay dad Sofia and I  were talking and I would like to maybe have her stay here with me and maybe  make love? Well son I am okay with her staying  but I need to talk to her dad about  any kind of sexual  activity. Okay dad I have no idea if he will let her stay or even if he will let me have her. Oh I will give him a message asking him then. Okay dad thanks I will  be in  my room when you hear back. Okay son but nothing intamit til I have his response. Okay dad goodnight.

Sofia The First I need loveWhere stories live. Discover now