Not sure what to say

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Cry's P.O.V

Okay, yes. This is the day. As I got in my dark blue car, I was smiling like a fool. Good thing it's covered by my mask. People would have been freaked out. I giggled as I started the engine.

"Here I come, Brighton," I whispered, still smiling, showing my bright teeth. "Here I come, and face my fears," My smile faded. "Here I come, as I have to face my friends-and not over a Skype call-in reality." I licked my top lip and swallowed nervously.

••26 minutes later••

I played Black Out Days on my phone as I drove through the traffic to the airport. When I got off the plane I would actually see Felix for the first time. In real fucking life. Oh God, I thought. Oh God. What would I say? I decided to practice aloud.

"Uh, hello Felix! Nice to finally see you!" Oh no. No, no, no. To formal. "Hey, bro! How's it going?" Wait what. No. "Felix! Pewds! Pewdie! Felix? Friend. Bro? Sup'? Ugh." I had no idea, but at least I'll have 9 hours to think about it.

••12 minutes later••

I took my seat, facing the aisle. I liked being on the outside, it gave me some space. And, yeah, I got some really odd looks. When I was going through security check, they made me take off my mask. I wasn't totally fine with it. I know it's for safety reasons, but I told them why I wore it. They understood. I anxiously walked towards my flight thinking about what I was going to say.

I texted Pewds. I wanted to ask him something.

"Hey. Really excited, but I'm nervous. What should I say when I see you? 'Hey, Pewds?'"

I waited laughing at my dumb question.

"Well, depends on wether you want to embarrass yourself or not. Wanna make a big scene? Want all the fangirls to come racing over to us?"

"'Hey, Pewds' it is, then. No fangirls trampling us."

"Hah. K, see you later bby," Felix texted. Baby? What the hell?

"Wtf, Pewds," I was actually blushing a bit.

"Just joking!! Btw you woke me up. It's 4:30 AM here."

"Sorry..its 11:30 PM here, and I think I'll fall asleep. See you later 💤"

"Yeah, later :)"

With that last text, I shut off my phone and drifted off.

Felix's P.O.V

When I called Cry baby I regretted it instantly. I was just joking, though. I liked teasing Cry. It was funny. At least I thought it was funny. Anyways, as I fell back asleep, I wrapped my arms around Marzia. She felt warm and it was cozy. She was cute and peaceful while she slept.

I had that same feeling where I felt something was wrong. Something bad was going to happen when Cry got here. I just didn't know what. When I had told Marzia this, she asked how I knew this. She also asked how certain I was. I told her I was very certain, although I didn't know how I knew this. It was a gut feeling, I guess. I didn't think much of it. But, I should have. I should have.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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