Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I sat on the couch flipping through pointless channels on the Telly not knowing what to just stop on and watch. Suddenly something on the screen caught my attention revealing a steamy scene from a movie I didn't recognize. Clearing my throat I just watched for a moment when suddenly none other than Niall burst through the door into the living room and jumped onto the couch next to me, kicking his feet up onto my lap.

"N-Niall, bloody hell you almost gave me a heart attack!" I yelled at him as I fumbled with the remote to quickly change the channel before he realized what I was watching. He looked at me with his lopsided grin and I gave him a smile trying to calm down. "Sorry 'bout that, the lads are trying to figure out how to make the indoor pool warmer, so I thought I come and keep my favorite curly-haired cheshire boy company." he said and turned towards the Telly. Suddenly his cheeks flushed red as he tried to cover up something with a slight cough.

I raised my eyebrow confused, looking over just then realizing that the channel hadn't changed and in fact was sporting the same movie with two people very much into an intimate position with one another. I looked over at Niall watching him trying to relax as he rested his hands on his lap. I was surprised he hadn't requested that I change it yet. What was even weirder was that I couldn't seem to keep my eyes off of him. I watched as his breaths seemed to get off beat and he ran a hand through his hair obviously trying to calm himself down. Then it hit me what exactly was happening to poor Nialler.

He was aroused, and he was getting fucking turned on by the erotic scene of the two people in the movie. I watched curiously as his hands went to adjust his pants and suddenly something shot down towards my groin and I bit my lip to stop any unwanted noises from coming out.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

I quickly threw his legs off of me causing him to yelp, Oops guess I snapped him out of it, and I stood up from the couch. "H-Harry you ok?" I heard him ask breathily and I nodded walking out of the room, "Yeah i'm fine. I-I just forgot something I have to go take care of." I said to him not being able to even look in his direction. I exited the room and ran upstairs to our shared bathroom. As I closed the door I fell back against it with a groan and I felt myself straining against my pants.

What the fuck, how the fuck, and why the fuck?? All three were valid questions to ask myself.

Sure every guy gets hard, it's a normal process of life. But how it had happened now was not normal at all. The thing was I wasn't even watching the god damned movie. All I saw was him getting all hot and bothered and I....

What is happening to me? This isnt normal for a guy to be going through ok? Normal guys get turned on by hot girls with barely any clothing, not their fucking best friends!!

My mind suddenly flashed back to Niall's face, flushed red and his eyes glazed over with a look of lust and my problem only got bigger. My hand went to rub my arousal and I grunted at the much needed friction that I was craving.

Quickly without even thinking I pulled down my pants and wrapped my hand around my member rubbing the tip softly before starting to pump it slowly. I threw my head back letting out a quiet moan and continued at the slow pace.

I tried thinking about hot girls and other things that usually helped me through this when suddenly that image of Niall popped into my head causing me to groan softly and my hand to pump faster and I couldn't stop myself. My breathing became erratic and I knew I was close, "Ah...Ah.." I moaned softly trying to finish myself off quickly when lost it and before i could stop myself I whispered his name, "N-Niall..Agh!" I felt myself climax into my hand as I leaned against the door.

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