Chapter 10

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-Harry's POV-

Frozen. That's exactly the way to describe how I felt right now. I couldn't feel anything as I stood there staring at the empty spot where Niall was supposed to be sitting. I could feel the numbness spreading throughout my body when Liam tried to speak.

"I-I...I don't..." He's faltering, and I can hear the uneasiness in his voice. How doesn't he know? I felt my frozen state slowly melt away, anger replacing it. How could he let Niall out of his sight.

"You don't know? What do you mean you don't FUCKING KNOW!?" I asked practically screaming at him. My body was shaking as I balled my hands into tight fists trying to control the wave of emotions flowing through me.

I felt Louis hands rubbing circles into my back as he tried to get me to calm down. "Haz, try to relax-"

"I can't relax! How can you even expect me to relax right now?" I pushed back away from him feeling the anger pulsing through my body taking deep breaths. "Niall's fucking missing...he's...he's..." My voice cracked and I closed my eyes facing downwards.

This wasn't supposed to be happening. He wasn't supposed to run of and be so absolutely stupid. I shook my head burying my face into my hands trying to keep my emotions in tact, but I could feel the tears at the back of my eyes. Right now Niall could be walking out there in the snow by himself. I kept glancing towards the kitchen door thinking that maybe he was just hungry and would walk through the door at any second, but he didn't.

I turned my gaze towards the coffee table and spotted a ripped piece of paper. I raised my eyebrow brushing past Lou I snatched it up and I felt my breathing stop again for the second time that day.

I love all you guys, and I love you Harry. Hope you can forgive me for whatever I did.


I crunched the paper between my hands trying to contain myself. He thinks he did something to upset me but its my fault. It's my fault that I made him cry, that i made him feel as though I hate him and now he's gone because of what I said to him. Dammit I'm such a fucked up person. My mind kept replaying the words that I said to him and I shook my head. Now he thinks I'm truly mad at him when really i was just being an absolute idiot. When really I love him so much it's hard for even me to comprehend it.

Why did he even go anywhere...

"I have to go find him." I said softly as I dropped the note in my pocket.

"Haz you can't it's a bloody blizzard out there!"

"To he'll I can't! I don't give a shit if there was a hurricane, earthquake or a bloody zombie apocalypse out there! I'm going after him, I'm going to find him and I'm going to bring him back!" I said angrily, "This is all my fault and i intend on fixing it!" how dare any of them even try to stop me. I watched as Liam slowly stood up quickly followed by Zayn, "We'll go too mate, six eyes and ears are better than two." Zayn said with a smiled and they started pulling on their boots.

"I'll stay here in case he comes back." Louis said knowing he'll never be able to talk me out if it.

I looked at all of them nodding shakily and glad I already had on all of my coats from the weather. "We should get on it then." I said plainly and turned back heading towards the door. I couldn't be in that room anymore. The tense air and memories were suffocating me. I reached out and just as I was turning the knob I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey Harry, what was it you were going to say to Niall?"the worry in his voice was easy to hear, but I couldn't tell him. I turned my gaze to look up into his eyes.

I fought back he tears that were threatening to spill from behind my eyes as I looked down thinking about Niall. "You'll find out..." I said softly and with that I pushed through the door, walking into my snowy grave.



I screamed out into the woods as I ran along the snowy path. My eyes darted back and forth trying to spot any form of life in the snowy landscape. I raised my hand to block the wind from whipping my face and I continued forward.

It was freezing. I'd barely been out here for a mere ten minutes and I could barely feel my face. My mind wandered as I thought about him walking through this by himself and suddenly collapsing not being able to cry for help. Being left alone when he needed us the most.


My yell rippled the the trees echoing back and forth around me as I came to a halt in the opening of the path. The same one I always stop at before I turned back to the house. I remembered what occurred here just the day before with Niall. The emotions took hold of me once again as i thought to the way he looked then. Surprised, confused...and so innocent. Oh how much I wanted to hold him right now. I would give anything to see his face, his hear his voice.

"Niall.....where are you?" I asked aloud as my voice cracked towards the end. I need him more than anything and now he's missing. I could have told him long ago and now I may never get the chance.

I turned around to walk back when I saw him. Covered in snow and sitting down against a tree. His blond hair almost camouflaged against the snow it it weren't for his brown roots. I've never moved so fast in my life as I ran over pulling him into my arms and burying my face into his cold frozen neck.

"Niall?" The tears I had been holding back fell violently down my cheeks as I pulled his body closer to me. I couldn't even tell if he was breathing. I couldn't feel the constant rise and fall of his chest and the panic was evident in my voice as I continued trying to speak to him even of he may not be able to hear me. "N-Niall? P-Please wake up? I-I'm going t-to take you home now.." I said shivering as held him close and pulled him into my arms in a better way to carry him when suddenly I heard him.


-Niall's POV-

I could barely feel a thing right now and I don't remember where I sat down or when but it seemed like forever. I breathed in the cold frozen air and it started to pierce my lungs making it harder and harder with every breath I took.

Why was I out here....oh yeah Harry, he hates me now. I felt the tears returning to my eyes as I sat in the snow barely moving. I don't know what I did but whatever it was I wish I could have fixed it before it was to late. I miss him right now....his warmth. God, it so cold out here but I can't move anymore.

I felt my eyes closing and I was losing the strength to keep them open. I still love them all...I miss them a lot, but maybe Harry will feel better now. Then out of nowhere as I was on the edge of the darkness, I felt a force grabbing me out of nowhere and pulling me against the body. I felt there face being pressed into me and I wanted to grab them closer but I was limp. I couldn't feel anything.


Who is that? He sound familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it. "N-Niall? P-Please wake up? I-I'm going t-to take you home now.." I heard them ask again as they shifted my body with ease into there arms.

I tried opening my eyes to look up at them and then I caught the familiar glimpse of brown curls and green eyes, "H-H-Harry....?" I asked barely being able to get the words out of me mouth.

"'s ok I'm here-"

Then everything went black.


(A/n) Yay! Harry found Niall! God I hope he's going to be ok....he was out there for awhile :3 I guess we'll find out next chapter.

Anyways I hope you guys liked it!!<33

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