Bill heads towards the girl. Confident, I walk up What's wrong!? I thought of saying. But the way she sat there. Made me tense, and I couldn't say anything. After a few seconds Bill finally say something. "Hey." He says in a soft voice, attempting not to scare her. As her beautiful blue as look right at Bill, she smiles. Wipes away the tears. And replies "Hey." The bell rang, I completely forgot. "What's going on? Why were you crying" Bill ask solemnly. "Well first let me introduce myself, I'm Julie. But." She stops herself there, and starts crying. Bill, you did it again.. Made her cry.. You screw everything up! Bill thought to himself. "But what? C'mon I won't tell anyone" Bill says with a smile "I promise"
Forever Forgotten
RomansBill has been forgotten. His parents have a new kid.. His best friend got s girlfriend. His friend ditched him for some guy.. What will Bill do to comeback from this horrible mess? Julie.. This story is about tragedy, bullying, romance, and more. St...