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Sayu looks around and notices that something is wrong in her room inside Gloria's manor. Someone has been there. This isn't such pleasant surprise after spending a good amoubt if time with Yui, Cecil and Oneiro. Door opens.
"Oh Sayu. When were you coming to greet me? I haven't seen you in ages and I'm in last place on your friend list of Appleblossom," someone says behind Sayu. Sayu turns around. In the doorway stands a young girl. Gloria.
"Sorry Gloria. Max told me to go greet them first so I did," Sayu says. She has no expression on her face. Gloria might be her friend, but someone who elecrocutes children is not first on her 'best friends'-list.
"Oh I believe. I came to your room to ask help. We are gathering all witches, wizards and demons to make the magic wall stronger. You remember what that is, don't you ?" Gloria looks at Sayu with waiting eyes.
"The wall that keeps hunters away from our home," Sayu says. "Of course I remember. I was making that thing with you 50 years ago !"
"We are going to use much more magic this time. You better get Oneiro and Cecil here this time. That ritual needs new people, younger the better," Gloria starts walking towards the window. "Wall becomes stronger if we even had them in the circle."
Sayu listens carefully. This is one thing she didn't want to do.
"I don't think Oneiro would like that," Sayu says.
"I don't care what she likes and what doesn't. All I care about is our safety," Gloria says and turns to Sayu.
"And still you hurt and kill children of our town," Sayu says quietly. Gloria doesn't seem to hear her.
"Get them in the ring, and you will be awarded," Gloria says and storms out of the room. Sayu sighs. Nothing can control Gloria it seems.

In the morning, Sayu automatically walks towards Oneiro's and Cecil's place. This will be hard for all of them. Sayu knocks on the door and tired looking Cecil opens the door.
"I have something important to talk about," Sayu says without wasting any more minutes. Cecil turns serious.
"It is about the wall right ? We are old enough to come in the ring ?" Cecil asks. Sayu nods with a sad expression on her face.
"Unfortunately, yes. I am sorry, I tried to stop Gloria so she wouldn't do this but she didn't listen," Sayu turns to face the sky. It's clear, perfect day for the ring.
"It's okay. As a citizens, we have to do what it takes to protect our home," Cecil says bravely but his voice cracks a little bit, which signs that he isn't happy about the situation. "Tonight in Gloria's manor's basement, right?"
"Yes. Around 10pm. Gloria is going to give some sord of spedch that she has written and then we need all of youngsters and most powerful ones to gather in the ring," Sayu explains. "Can you please tell Oneiro this ?" Cecil nods.
After saying thanks, Sayu leaves and walks back to the manor. Thoughts are running through her head as she tries to think a way to help Cecil and especially Oneiro. The little kitty witch is so innocent and things that are going to happen just to protect the village, are most likely to traumatize the girl.
In the manor Max comes up to Sayu.
"Mi'Lady tells you to rest and concentrate for the up coming night," Max says and smiles to Sayu.
"Thank you Max, I will. The night will be exhausting," Sayu smiles back at Max and goes in her room. She flops on the bed and closes her eyes.

Sayu wakes up when she hears a knock on her door. She looks at the door, waiting for someone to come in. Finally, door opens and Max comes inside.
" Sorry to disturb your sleep Miss Sayu, but it is almost 10pm. You must have been tired if you slept this long," Max says and guides Sayu to the basement door.
"Yeah, I guess the time zone still gets to me," Sayu says and yawns. She opens the basement door and goes in. Room is filled with people and on the stage, right next to witches altar, stands Gloria. She starts her speech right after Sayu enters the room. Gloria is talking about the history of a magic wall that has kept the unwanted humans out. Sayu is too tired to listen, so she tries to find Oneiro and Cecil. When she finally does, she notices that siblings look really pale.
Gloria ends her speech and tolds everyone to form a ring and hold each others hands. Sayu does so without hesitation, but looking at Cecil and Oneiro, both of them are nervous. When Sayu finally manages to make them look at her, she smiles at them and says guietly that everything is going to be okay.
When the ring is done, Gloria walks up to the altar and Max comes from the door with a black goat. Sayu looks at Oneiro. She looks like she's about ti throw up. Cecil holds her hand tightly and Oneiro closes her eyes right when Gloria starts to chant a spell and sacrifices the goat. Then the ring starts to chant.
"Please, hear my call, hide this village like before. Up above as down below, never let the strangers say hello !"
After that, silence falls in the room and people leave. Oneiro runs out of the room Cecil right after her. Sayu goes after them.
"I am so sorry that you had to go through that," Sayu says to Oneiro and Cecil when she catches up to them.
"It's okay. We decided to come," Oneiro says. She is still so pale. "Sayu, how you do this every 50 years ?"
Sayu thinks for a moment and then says: "When you do something many times, you get used to it. But I really hope you don't need to go through that again." Oneiro only nods.
"I think I need to get some rest... Sorry Sayu, see you later," Oneiro says and leaces without even looking at Sayu. Cecil followes his sister and Sayu just looks at their backs as they walk away.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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