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A village was sleeping when this dark figure arrived. Figure moved fast through the sleeping village, straight towards the only manor.
3 knocks on the big, wooden door and then the door opened revealing another figure. Stranger was let in.
"I didn't expect you to come here this early Miss Sayu," the one who opened a door said. "We were expecting you next week."
"I know Max, I just had to come here earlier than expected. The hunters found me and left me with no choice but to flee," said the stranger, Sayu. She let Max take her cloack off and Max then lead her to her room.
"How is Gloria? I haven't received any letters from her since my last visit," Sayu said when they were walking in the hallway. Max frowned.
"She has become mad. Mad I say ! She is not afraid to kill anyone, even children or the elderly. I saw her electrocute one child yesterday and it was horrible," Max said and stopped in front of Sayu's room.
"Is there anything I can do?" Sayu asked. She really wanted to help poor Max, and of course Gloria, to get out of the situation.
"I'm afraid there is nothing we can do at the moment. But please, don't let this bother you. Visit your friends and the places you love so much. Of course I will ask if there's something you could do to help Mi'Lady," Max said and smiled to Sayu. Sayu nodded and went in her room. She sat on top of the bed she will be sleeping in for a while and looked out of the window. It's raining.

When the morning comes, Sayu goes in the village early in the morning. Her favourite café would be opening it's door by now. And there it is. Open. Sayu goes in and grabs a cup of coffee. Only drink she would be able to keep inside her. She sits inside while reading a book she lent from Gloria some weeks ago, when a figure sits in front if her. Sayu lowers the book and sees a blonde girl with excited smile looking at her.
"Sayu, it has been a while. How have you been ?" Girl asks. Sayu smiles.
"Yes, it has been quite a while, Yui. I have been well. I guess you and others as well?" Sayu moves the book aside. Yui nods.
"We're all well. We're having a meet up in lanf an hour. You should join us! It would be extra fun," Yui says. Sayu nods.
"I will. You don't mind if I spend time with you while waiting the others ?" Sayu looks at Yui with questioning expression.
"Of course I don't mind!" Yui says. "We're meeting in the forest where that little pond is."
"We should start going then. It is pretty far anyways," Sayu says and picks up her book while standing up. Yui followes Sayu out of the café.
"What book were you reading by the way? Seemed to be interesting," Yui says. They have been walking in silence for 10 minutes and someone just had to start a conversation.
"It was just a stupid novel. Nothing special really," Sayu says and falls silent again.

When they reach the pond, there's already 2 people.
"Oneiro, Cecil ! Look who's here !" Yui yells and runs towards the two. These people, Oneiro and Cecil, turns around and Oneiro's face turns excited in just a matter of seconds.
"Sayu !" Oneiro yells and runs to hug Sayu. "Are you finally moving back here ? We have missed you a lot."
"Sorry Oneiro, I might not move back just yet. I still have stuff to do in Tokyo. But I promise, after that, I will come back," Sayu says and smiles at Oneiro. Just then she realizes something. "Oneiro, when did you grow a cat tail and cat ears ?"
Oneiro blushes a little bit.
"They just grew..." She says quietly. Sayu pats Oneiro's head.
"They suit you, kitty," She says and then goes to say hi to Cecil.
"Did my sister say anything weird ?" Cecil asks.
"No. She just asked if I'm moving back now," Sayu sighs. "Maybe one day when I'm free from my job." Cecil nods.
"Please, have no hurry. Oneiro is being overly excited," Cecil says and smiles at Sayu.
"I am in no hurry at all. Only hurry I have is finding out what is wrong with Gloria," Sayu says.
"What do you mean?" Cecil asks. Sayu tells him everything she heard from Max.
After Sayu is ready telling the story to Cecil, the boy's expression is anything else but happy.
"That has been happening in front of our eyes ? Couldn't believe that," Cecil says. Yui and Oneiro also listened and both of them are in shock.
"What can we do?" Oneiro asks.
"Nothing much. At least not at the moment. I'll think of something," Sayu promises. "This is hard for me too since I have known Gloria longer than you and I want to help but... There's nothing we can do."
"Then we'll all think something. Right ?" Yui looks at everyone. All of them nods.
"Of course we'll think something. This has to stop. All those kids are going to be killed," Oneiro panics.
"Relax kitty cat," Yui says and smiles at Oneiro, making the girl to relax a little bit.
"Powers of a former angel sure are strong..." Cecil says quietly. Sayu just nods without saying a word.

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