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It was the first day of my college. I was neither excited nor nervous. I had the similar monotonous feeling I always had. Being either black or white was never my thing. And I hated for being so because I was certain of things I would love to but uncertain of the feelings I should be having. That is what my problem is! Anyways... I slipped into a sweatshirt and a pair of ripped jeans once I was out of the washroom. I hurriedly tightened my hair into a pony tail, put on some light make up and went inside the kitchen. I made myself a cup of coffee and a pair of toasts. Once the clock struck 7 AM, I literally rushed towards my scooty. The road and the breeze flowing past me... Both were smooth and just then boom! A biker crashed against my Scooty... Even though it was not that big accident but it was the biker's fault. "Oye! Blind or what? ", I yelled at him. He opened the glass panes of the helmet he was wearing, revealing a pair of caramel coloured, almond size eyes which literally had the depth as of a ocean... They felt like the endless sky... And I literally felt like I was on the top of the world as I drowned myself in his eyes. Just then the snap of his fingers brought me to back to the cruel, ruthless world. "Hey?? Where are you lost? ", he asked in a deep voice which sounded blissful. Whatever you do... Life has its own way to turn the tables. "Can't you see? R u mad or blind? Or did u run away from the mental asylum? ", I burst out coz I was running late. "See ma'am.. I m sorry for it... I will pay for the damages.. U needn't worry", he said in a comforting way. Had I not had to show up at the college... I would have lectured him like hell. "U better do it! ", I said as I rushed to my college. Phew.... On time! I looked at my watch which showed a perfect 8.55 AM. I rushed towards my class and as I got it.. I felt a pinch of relief. I found myself a lone place... At the corner most seat on the last row... I needn't worry for the notes because the large screened LED screens would show up every thing...

Moments later of scribbling down random things in the last page of my notebook, the class got up to sing "Good Morning, sir". This caught my attention and I just raised my heads to find out who was the professor. And I could see the same caramel coloured, almond shaped eyes. It was beyond doubt that I had got into an accident with my teacher on the very first day of my college! What could be better than this? Then I saw his face... He not only had the beautiful, small eyes with a huge ocean but he had a cute parrot shaped nose which complemented his looks. He wore a priceless smile, which could never be compared to the costliest of costliest gems. And to my dismay, he too had worn a sweatshirt of the same colour as me. During that accident I was just so panicked that I didn't notice him properly. I just wanted to get out of his sight but there was no way that I would be under his sight because... I was far away from his notice. "So boys and girls.. How had the holidays been? ", he asked in a packed up tone... Deep yet cheerful and husky yet beautiful... I could say that he was that light weight teacher whom each and every child loved and respected. I was sitting alone... So he could have spotted me... But he can't and thank god! Because if he would have noticed me... I would have burnt out of embarrassment.... Moments later, he scribbled down something on the whiteboard which was clearly visible through the LED screens. I noted each and every letter carefully giving way to concern. I needed to be perfect & flawless... But have you ever seen a human without flaws and mistake? I am among them.

After a long one hour lecture, I moved myself out of the class. I guess.. He didn't notice me through out the class... Because I didn't want him to. I walked through the corridor and do you guys think that there can be a first day without ragging? Of course I too had an experience that day. My way was blocked by a group of children. "Oh ho! Newbie is so hottttt", a boy commented and I ignored. "Really u r flat on this girl? ", I heard another girl's voice. "Why?? She looks just so great... I guess she must be amazing at bed", the same voice rang into my eyes and it was enough! I dashed back to him which forced him to stand properly. He raised his brows and his group started laughing monstrously. Mustering up all my courage I hit his leg hard... One which forced him to fall on his knees. Once he winced in pain, he shot a death glance at me and his group stepped back. Moments later, I was dragged back and the boy said "U think.. U will get away with this? ", he said as he placed a slap on my face and the whole group busted out laughing. They had done it enough! Now... They were going to face it all. I retaliated a punch on his face which forced blood to trickle down his nose and then pushed his feet with my feet which forced him to lie down. "U try to mess up with me... I will turn into the bitch u have never seen.. ", I said through my gritted teeth and left him and his group alone.

I ruffled my hair and sat at the corner most table of the canteen. I just hated crowds... Because they reminded me of how much lost I am... I just hate people because they show how much flawed I am... "R corner most seats your favourite? ", I heard a voice as deep and husky as him... I jerked my head towards my right and there he stood tall with his priceless smile. "Sir... ", I mouthed as I stood up. "No need to stand.. Sit down", he said as he took a place beside me. "How much damage has it been? ", he asked. Oh god! He remembers. "Sir.. I will do it... U don't need to pay... ", I panicked. "C'mon... I am your teacher.. That doesn't mean that my every mistake is to be forgotten.. ", he said and I smiled. How down-to-earth! "8000", I replied and he fished out his iPhone. "I will pay you through Google Pay? ", he asked. "Sure.. ", I replied and after he paid me, he went out. Wait... Did he notice me in the morning? Well... Does not matter... I returned home with a happy and calmer mind... Not with the mind which was always at war...

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