Chapter 1

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I ran and ran but I just couldn't seem to escape the Drifters. Drifters are the shadows, the darkness that inhabits the world- just in living form. I've been running from these beasts for fifth-teen years, ever since I was two years old. I have no idea if the world was always like this, there's no one alive- that I know of- who could tell me about the past. I only know what I've grown up with and the things that I've learnt from running. Things like how to fend for myself, how to climb, run, escape from the darkness. At first I didn't know why these Drifters were hunting me down, but I found out once I was around ten. Unlike these Drifters, I have a shadow and apparently they don't like it.

Slowly, the Drifters behind me faded into the night. When night fall came, the Drifters slept. They would just disappear- maybe they just couldn't be physical beings of a night, I haven't figured it out yet. Someday though, I will. I sighed happily, finally, I was 'home'. A large oak tree in the centre of a forest is where I made my home. Wrapped around the tree and through it's branches hung plain white solar powered lights. They were all I could find. They remind me of stars- I haven't actually seen any before though... Only what I've found in books. The sky always stays at different shades of grey, changing from bright to dark- day to night. A few white roses surrounded my home, the Drifters wouldn't go past them for some reason.

I opened the wooden door quietly and walked in, sitting my black bag down on the table. I patted down my black dress that was covered in leaves and sticks before sitting at a table I had carved. I picked my bag back up and spilled its contents onto the table. I had found three apples, another book, some pencils and some more wire. I had to go out and hunt for stuff like this everyday. The apples should last for about two days considering that I already have two left. I used the wire to tie up more lights and to make random, useful items I may need on a hunt. Ever since I first found pencils, I've enjoyed every minute I get to draw. It helps to block out the fact that I'll have to go through hell again tomorrow.

Despite Drifters being shadows, of a day when they take physical form, I can kill them or at least injure them. I found a really nice dagger in this small shop in a town near my forest. I also made myself a bow and some arrows- I saw a picture and it looked helpful, which it is. Drifters also hate water so I use that to my advantage. There are a lot of ponds and fountains near my house and in the town. The food in the town isn't all that good. Some of it is but the Drifters have soiled most of it.

I stood back up and place everything I had found on their correct shelves or into their correct chest. I walked up the stairs and entered my bedroom on the second floor. My bed was just made of some pillows and sheets but it was enough for me. The few clothes that I had were in a small wooden box that I had made. I had two dressers, the one that I was wearing and another one that was exactly the same just in red. I had one pair of black shorts and the same with tights. I had two pairs of socks, but I never really wore them much- same with my shoes. I could run better without shoes on anyway. I only had one red t-shirt, but in case it get's cold, I have a big black jacket type thing. The black helped me to hid through-out the day, the Drifters mainly go after things with shadows and colour.

I lied on my bed and stared at the lights I had hung up. They were the same as the ones I had out side, but for some reason these ones were more comforting to me. I just hope that one day I'll actually be able to see stars with my own eyes- if they are even real...


Yay, my first story! I would like to thank @Lucky_kitty for the cover and for the title! I can't make covers for the life in me xD I'm sorry that this is so short, I'll work on making the next chapter longer. Vote and comment please- and I would also like if you could all tell me how to improve my writing? I know I'm not as great as a lot of you but I would like to be~

The next chapter will be posted soooooon, until then buh-bye~!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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