Chapter 44

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Alhamdulillah is all She can say. She is truly happy and satisfied with her life. She is blessed with an amazing husband and a beautiful baby girl in a beautiful home. What More can she ask for? Absolutely nothing. Alhamdulillah ya rabb

It's Saturday and She is at home along with her husband and daughter. They are FaceTiming Ni'imah who is in London with her husband Huzaifa and her adorable baby, Sultan.

"Sabrina look at baby sultan, blow him a kiss" She said to her pointing at the laptop screen where Niimah and sultans faces popped.

"Baby shuttan." She giggled.

"Yes! baby Shuttan and mamima" Layla said. She calls Ni'imah mamima.

"Baby Sabrina, how are you?" Ni'imah asked her "Ina daddy?"

She looked at Layla, smiling. "Ina Daddy?"

"Ana tambayan ki. Wai Ina daddy"

They finished FaceTiming Ni'imah and Layla got back to watching her series, The Tudors.  Not long ago, Muhammad came back from wherever he was. They are currently sitting in her living room upstairs.

Sabrina playing with her toys while her daddy is on his phone. And Layla..all She wants to do is eat masara.

"Ina so naci masara" She announced.

He did not hear her so She said it again. He tilted his head and looked at her with a raised brow

"What did you say?"

"I said Ina so naci masara"

"Masara kuma? Ya salam"

"I think I'll faint if I did not eat masara, Muhammad" She pouted.

He took a long sigh. "Fine, I'll get it for you"

"I love you, thank you" She smiled cheekily.

With that he picked his car keys and scooped Sabrina as she held her arms up for him to carry her. They left to get her masara from the road side while She continued to watch the show.

Muhammad's call came in and She answered

"Yes? What's up?" She asked

"You did not specify what masara you want. Boiled or roasted?"

"Boiled please"

He muttered 'okay' and ended the call.

They came back not a while before Maghreb prayer. He went to the mosque to pray while She prayed in the living room downstairs.

She sighed and and went to the kitchen to check the food timetable. Today's dinner is spaghetti bolognese, thank god.

She started preparing the food with the help of her two house helps. Muhammad and Sabrina are in the living room and thankfully She is not getting distracted by any of them with their silly requests. Both the father and daughter know how to stress her the hell out.

"Ramatu Dan Allah ki na duba mun taliyan, I'll be right back" She said to her before exiting the kitchen to pick up Ya Meena's call.

She went to the dining room and dragged a chair, sitting down. She answered the call.

"Hello? Ya meena nasılsın?"

"Sen ve Sabrina nasılsınız (how are you and Sabrina?"

"Biz iyiyiz Elhamdulillah, Nasreen nasıl? We Fine Alhamdulillah, how's ya nashreen?"

"Nasreen iyi, she's the reason I called"

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