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do no harm, but take no shit

THE door to the classroom opened, revealing Damon Salvatore

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THE door to the classroom opened, revealing Damon Salvatore. "Sorry I'm late, my dog ate my, uh..." Damon stopped when he saw their faces. "What's with all the furrowed brows?"

"I saw Isobel last night," Alaric stated.

Damon looked confused at that, asking, "Isobel's here? In town?" Alaric nodded and Damon looked over at the twins before walking over to the windows, asking, "Did you ask about Uncle John?" He looked at the teacher. "Are they working together?"

Alaric shook his head and said, "No."

"No, they're not?"

"No, I didn't ask."

"What about the invention?" Damon questioned.

"Didn't ask."

"Does she know about the tomb vampires?"

"I don't know."

Echo let out an exaggerated breath. "I'm disappointed in you, Ric."

"Did words completely escape you?" Damon asked, now standing in front of Alaric.

"No, I was a little too distracted by my dead vampire wife to ask any questions," Alaric snapped.

"What did she want?" Damon asked.

Elena sighed. "She wants to see me and Echo, Damon."

"Alaric is supposed to arrange a meeting," Stefan explained, crossing his arms. "We don't know why or what she wants."

"You don't have to see her if you don't want to," Damon said, looking between the twins. His eyes mostly on Echo.

"We don't really have a choice," Echo stated. "She's threatened to go on a killing spree."

"Oh," Damon said. "I take it that's... not okay with you guys."

"O and I already talked about it," Elena started, "We want to do it. We want to meet her. If we don't, we know we'll regret it."

Echo nodded and stated, "This might be our one chance."

LATER that night, Echo and Elena sat in the Grill, waiting for Isobel. The waitress walked over and placed the twins' drinks down in front of them.

"Can you hear me?" Elena asked, looking over at Stefan, who stood over by the pool tables. He nodded and Elena said, "Thanks for coming."

Suddenly, a woman appeared in front of them, and Echo and Elena knew by the picture Alaric had given them, that this was Isobel.

Isobel took off her coat and placed it on the back of her chair before sitting down. The twins' hands linked under the table as Isobel smiled at them and said, "Hello, Elena." She looked at Echo. "Hello, Echo." She then stared at Elena. "You look just like her. It's eerie."

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