Feeling at home

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Meanwhile.. with Taehyung and Yoongi.

As Jimin left Taehyung still kept hugging Yoongi, he didn't exactly know how he was supposed to comfort him but he was doing his best.

Yoongi on the other hand was pretty thankful for the help.

After a little while Taehyung pulled away "here.. show me to your house I'll walk you home okay?" He said in a gentle voice.

Yoongi only nodded. He was still much too upset to say much of anything.


After a silent and awkward walk they made it to Yoongi's house. It was his parents house.

He moved out a while ago but he had to move back in after his ex boyfriend left him 3 years ago.

Luckily Yoongi always has really caring parents who where more than happy to take him in until he could find somewhere else to live.

Yoongi was doing his best to get better jobs but.. the life of an Omega isn't easy at all.. regardless of your appearance.

Taehyung gave Yoongi a soft smile and pecked the Omega's forehead to help him feel better.

That caused Yoongi's cheeks to burn right up.

He couldn't help it.

Taehyung was known for being very charming after all.

"Mm.. anyways.. I'll see you around Yoongi." He said with a playful wink before turning and walking away.

Yoongi didn't know why but he could feel his heart beating in his ears as he closed his door.


"Dammit.. it's freezing out here..." Taehyung thought.

It was harder for Alphas to get cold but.. it was getting to him as he walked to his own apartment.

That's when he froze and his eyes widened a little.

Was Jimin okay?

He wasn't sure.. and he tried to call him.

Calling "Mochi💝"...

Call failed.

Taehyung sighed in frustration. Jimin always picked up.

There wasn't much he could do though.. all he could do was hope to god that Jimin was okay on his way home.


It was much later now and Taehyung had tried calling Jimin about 17 times.. to have no answer.

He was getting really worried..

That was when his T.V. Featured an emergency news break.

"Sorry for the interruption. I am here to report that we will be under an intense snow storm in the following hour for the next two days. All stores will be closed, all roads and sidewalks will be closed and people are advised to stay indoors to keep warm. It's estimated that when the storm is over tomorrow morning all buildings will be barricaded under 10 Ft. of snow. Please stay indoors until the storm and snow is gone. Thank you for your attention."

Taehyungs eyes widened.

Jimin hates storms.. Jimin hates storms more than anything.

He stared at his phone screen and waited.

Jimin always begged Taehyung to help when there was a storm and no matter the consequences the Alpha always showed up to help.

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