Unusual Nightwalk

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  • Dedicated to you

You're walking home alone. The street seems silent unlike you used to observe. No one is walking. You then realized that all the doors and windows of every house you pass by are closed.

You sigh a relief when you saw a cop sitting on a random bench. As you walk closer, you then clearly hear the radio of the officer.

"Officer." The radio buzzes for a while but then continues.

"Are you still there? I repeat, pull off. I repeat pull off." Upon hearing this, your heart beats louder. Everything seemed to listen and observe you, even the stars and clouds above.

"Cannibals are on loose. They are on you way." Then, the radio stopped and you heard a loud scream. You looked back from the way you came. It was silent. You want to run. But you don't know where. You don't want to meet the cannibals.

You walked closer to the officer.

"Officer?" But as you came closer, you realized something's wrong. Your eyes widened as you realized what really happened. You're hands and feet begin to shake. You're really scared. You're alone and now cannibals are on your way. You grabbed the radio and tried to communicate.

"Officer! I need help. I'm with Officer.." You took a look on the dead officer’s badge.

“I’m with Officer Bernard.” Then, you patiently waited for any response.

"What are you doing there?! You should've gone home or stayed at your friend's house!" Hope started to pop in your mind.

"Who are you with?"

"I'm alone."

"Sorry kid." You turned around and saw a whole crowd of cannibals racing towards you. They're still meters away but you can see how fast they can run. You can see how they look like. They look like normal people, except for their blood-covered clothes and creepy stares.

You brought the radio and ran away, hoping that you could communicate anyone when this is done. You ran. You never looked back. You don't know if they're still following you. But you just hid behind a bush.

You heard footsteps pass by the bush where you hid. You can hear how they yell in frustration. After some minute, the radio starts buzz.

"Can anyone here me?" The radio buzzes again.

You sweat immediately. Your heart beats louder than before. You're body shakes more compared to earlier. At first, everything sounds so silent. You can only hear the dogs howling, the wind whispering, the chimes clinking, and your heart beating.

"There you are."

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