Not A Profiler

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Word count: 1,928

Spencer's team had been dying to meet you from the second they found out you were his girlfriend. You'd been dating for five months before they found out, so of course they were intrigued by his secrecy with the relationship. Truth is, Spencer just wanted to keep you to himself; his team knew too much about each other's lives.

So, that's how you ended up at a bar with your boyfriend and five of his coworkers.

"Everyone's here except JJ," Spencer explained as he held open the door for you. "Henry has a little fever, but she promised to see you another time."

You smiled and bumped his hip, catching the eye of a very colorfully decorated blonde. Your fingers brush Spencer's arm.

"Is that Penelope?" you smiled and stared at the woman who was returning the gesture, so you knew the answer before Spencer could even speak up. You both approached the table, weaving through other tables and people swaying to the band playing at the end of the bar.

Penelope was the first to get up and open her arms for a hug. You gladly accepted, subjecting yourself to the women's tight grip. You laughed with what breath wasn't already squeezed out of you.

"You must be Penelope," you said, but it sounded more like a question.

You then glanced around the table to the other team members. Spencer must have been really good at describing them to you, because you could already tell who they were having never seen them before.

You introduced yourself to the table, taking a seat next to Spencer by the end of the row, across from where Penelope now sat back down. You could feel all of their eyes on you and tried to not be uncomfortable.

"I love your dress," a woman with dark hair expressed. She was definitely Emily Prentiss. You smiled sheepishly and thanked her, telling her it was actually a gift from Spencer.

"Reid?" the man beside Penelope asked, almost in disbelief.

You slowly nodded, glancing at Spencer in confusion.

"Our Reid picked out such a nice dress? Didn't know you had fashion sense, kid," he smirked.

Another glance at Spencer told you this was all just friendly teasing, so you giggled along. You had no doubt in your mind that this was Dereck Morgan, and according to Spencer, he did this all the time.

A man with dark hair and a slender face clapped his hands together as he stood up, turning to the group to say he was getting drinks. There were shouts out for specific ones, to which he rolled his eyes and smiled. Emily called your attention back to the table.

"So, (Y/N), do you live around here, or are you guys long distance?"

"Oh, no, I do live here," you clarified with a nervous, soft laugh. The team didn't need to know you moved in with Spencer just last week. He'd started going to work later, which for him meant still being fifteen minutes early, but it seemed like no one noticed.

"What do you do for work?" Penelope asked, interested and leaning in.

"I'm a baker," you answered shyly, almost embarrassed to not have a career as high and mighty and theirs.

"A baker?" she mused. "Do you work from home or in a bakery?"

"In a bakery."

"Which one? Would you mind if I visit you at work?"

You giggled, overwhelmed by her enthusiasm. "It's Sunrise Bakery, down by the pizza place that just opened up. Come visit any time!"

Hotchner came back with drinks, dispersing them to each person.

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