Go Get Her Cowboy

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Word count: 2315

Wow it's been a long ass time anyways enjoy ( ˘ ³˘)

It was nearing midnight and you were regretting wearing such a flattering outfit.

It was only supposed to be grabbing a drink with your team, but you wanted to dress up a little because you rarely went out. Morgan wolf-whistled when you first arrived, making the rest of the table look up. You rolled your eyes and took the empty seat between Reid and Prentiss.

"So are you not gonna stay long?" Prentiss started, talking loudly over the music, but only half of the table could actually hear her. You gave her a quizzical look. "Well, I'll bet someone will offer to take you home with them within the hour. The question is, are you gonna take them up on it or not?"

You glared at her and Morgan, who was grinning ear-to-ear. "I'll have you know that I came here to spend time with my work family," you retorted, taking a sip from a glass of water that was waiting for you.

"Doesn't look like it," Morgan quipped.

Prentiss let out a laugh this time. You turned to Reid incredulously.

"Can you believe these two?" You giggled. "I'm not that late, am I? Are they tipsy already?"

Reid checked his watch, which sat above the sleeve of his sweater, as he shook his head. "Only by six minutes, but they've been drinking since they sat down fifteen minutes ago."

You moved your arm to prop your head up. "So, how long have you been here then, Doctor?"

Reid sat up a little straighter and cleared his throat. "Um, thirty-four minutes."

You quirked an eyebrow at his behavior, but you didn't see any glasses around him other than water. "No alcohol for you?"

He shook his head, averting his eyes to the drink menu but still overly aware of your presence. Maybe he just didn't know what to get.

"I don't drink often," you noted, leaning towards Reid and dragging a finger down the list to find a specific name. "but I think you would like this one."

He looked down at you, your head in front of his left shoulder, before stammering out an, "o-okay."

You smiled and leaned back. Although your proximity initially made Reid a little uncomfortable, he now found himself refraining from pulling you back. You stood up and let your hand rest on the back of his chair as you leaned in to tell him you'd go to the bar.

"Promise I won't spike your drink," you pulled back giggling before buzzing around the dancing and shuffling drunks to get to the bar.

When you were out of earshot–which basically meant a few steps away–Morgan reached across the table to clap Reid's arm.

"Ow!" he yelped. "What was that for?"

Morgan smirked, "you can't hide it, Pretty Boy, you l-"

"I do not," he interrupted before everyone else could hear.

Morgan leaned back in his seat. "See there, I didn't even have to say it. You know it."

Reid shook his head and leaned back as well, crossing his arms over his chest with a huff. His eyes searched for you again, instinctively checking on you in a way he swore was just because you were friends and in a dangerous line of work that required a constant buddy system.

He finally found you sitting at the bar, having just ordered both of your drinks. He watched the guy beside you look you up and down before sliding into the seat beside you. You glanced, then faced forward again, but the man leaned against the bar to be in your mid-peripheral vision. The distance made it difficult for Reid to read your lips, but he managed.

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