Chapter 32 - War

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Dominic was right. The protection was broken before the next day. In fact, it only took a few hours to be broken. But hours that gave Dominic and his army time to prepare.

I knew the war started because the war cries, some of them clearly made by non-human creatures, were unmistakable. But even if I had doubts, the clamour of metal against metal and roars of fury and pain soon fulfilled the air.

At the same time, the grip around the dagger I had in my hand became tighter as if to assure it was still here and my heart started beating fast.

Now I am right in front of the door, the dagger firmly in my hand, the presence of the others in my waist and boots impossible to forget. My heart is beating so fast I wonder how it didn't get out of my chest, my eyes are wide open and I get goosebumps all over my body. The adrenaline that's running through my veins is so much that almost makes me want that someone enters here, just to give me the opportunity to give the adrenaline some use.

But no one comes. I lean against the nearest wall, the tense muscles of my legs thanking me. Am I over-reacting? The guards answer to Dominic and Dominic doesn't want me dead. But the death isn't the problem and they can hurt me without kill me. But will they try?

I don't know. And that's the worst. I don't know, I can't know, and because of it I need to be aware, ready to protect myself if any threats appear.

Someone screams and all my body freezes. I recognize that scream. I recognize that voice. I would recognize it anywhere. Emma! What is she doing here? Why is she here?

She screams again, louder this time, and my heart skips a beat. "Emma!" I shout, unaware I had open my mouth until I listen to my voice.

They're monsters. They'll stole everyone you love from you because that's what monsters do.

They can't hurt Emma, they can't! I came here in first place to protect her. I'll not let her be hurt, be welcomed like that by this mad world. She'll not be part of this mad word.

You're learning to fight them not just for yourself but also for all the others who can't fight. For all those you love and can't protect themselves.

The voice in my head, the voice of my visions, is telling me exactly what I want to listen to, what I need to listen to. It is giving me strength to do what I need to save the only innocent in the middle of this war - Emma.

A warrior without weapons is useless. That's why the own warrior should be a weapon. But when you've the opportunity to have more than just yourself as a weapon you should take advantage of it.

The voice is right. And daggers are not enough, not when I can have more. Unconsciously, I put my hair in a messy bun, using the dagger to keep it tied. It doesn't matter if my hair ends up damaged because of it, I'm planning on cutting it anyways when I get out of this castle with Emma. The daggers are not enough and will never be my first choice.

Your own body is a weapon. Never forget that.

Yes, it is. But this time it'll not be enough, there are too many creatures. Another scream. I need to hurry! I shut the bathroom door open and run to the desk. The haladie.

I grab it, my hand immediately adjusting to its form as if it is something normal to me. I feel something breaking inside my head, something, a wall, that was hiding all my memories, all my lives.

When your mind can't control, let your own body take the control. It knows what to do.

It knows while my mind doesn't. My mind is overpowered by the memories flowing in waves, dominating all my senses. So I let my body take the control.

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