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They are dark, they are bad, they should be destroyed. They are what we fight.

They are just like us.

They are the Children of the Darkness, creatures who don't deserve to live, abominations of nature.

We are the same thing, made by the darkness, raised by it, accepting it inside us, inside our hearts.

They are born with the darkness inside them, forged by it since their birth day, evil creatures from nature that want nothing more than power.

We embrace the darkness by our own choice, let it tell us what we are, what we should do. They are born with it and still they are able to love. We embrace it and not even one of us is able of the slightest act of mercy. If they are monsters, what are we?

Saviors. The ones who will save the humanity.

Demons in human bodies. What they do, what they become is our fault, happens because of what we do. We are not saviors. We are destroyers. We are evil.

They are the evil.

Then the evil can also love. The acts of love, pure love and nothing else, that I saw indicates me that they do love. If they are evil, then the evil can love.

The evil doesn't love.

Then they are not the evil. We are.

They are the Children of the Darkness.

As we are. But they had no choice and can still love. We embrace it and forgot how we can love. We are all the Children of the Darkness but it's only us who are evil.

They are the Children of the Darkness.

As we are. We all are and still we fight each other instead of let them teach us how we can love again.

They are the Children of the Darkness as we are. Created by demons as we are. Capable of love while we aren't.

Don't forget what they are.

Children of the Darkness as we are.

That's what they are. Children of the Darkness just like we are.

Yes, they are. And the Children of the Darkness deserve to die.

Yes. Children of the Darkness deserve to die. They should die.

Don't forget that.

No, I won't. They are the Children of the Darkness, they deserve to die.

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