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After leaving Othello and Uhtred, Fletcher and Sylva walked around Corcillum until they found a carriage that would take them up to Vocans Academy. After paying the two-shilling fee they got into the carriage which promptly begins to trundle its way to Vocans. They made small talk on the way there about demons and the war, but for the most part and they sat in silence through the half-hour ride.

Finally, the carriage driver called out

" We're here." Fletcher and Sylva promptly got out of the carriage and thanked the driver. They walked to the front doors where a servant was waiting for them. he gave them each a low bow and said

" Good afternoon. My name is Jeffrey and I'll be escorting you to your rooms." The pair followed Jeffrey as he walked through the halls talking about the various places within Vocans such as the arena, or the summoning room where hundreds of summoning leathers were kept in case they were needed.

Once they got to their rooms Sylva went to take a nap while Fletcher decided to explore the ancient castle. Fletcher walked through the halls, passing no one except a few servants along his way until he came across what had to be the arena. It was an enormous room with bleachers going all the way around a raised grandstand which he assumed was for the king when he was there and a deep pit in the middle which was still extremely large.

As Fletcher wandered down through the stands a voice called out

" Well, boy are you here to learn something or are you just going to be walking around if so I suggest you walk elsewhere." Fletcher looked and finally spotted an older looking man standing on the arena's sandy floor missing an arm and a leg but with prosthetics for both. After another second of staring at the old man Fletcher took in the emblem upon his armor and realized who this was.

It was Sir Caulder, his father's former captain, and the only survivor to the brutal Orc attack that had killed both of Fletcher own parents. Fletcher had also been told by chieftainess Arkania that the king first found out he was alive from Sir Caulder.

Fletcher slowly walked down to the arena pulling out his gladius as he went. he stood before Sir Caulder and said

" Very Well Sir Caulder. It shall be an honor to face my deceased father's captain." At these words, Sir Caulder's eyes bulged before he spoke in an even voice

" Bah. I should have known it was you, my lord. And may I say I'm glad to have finally met you and am happy to be of service to you in any way. Besides the king keeps me informed of how you're doing and he says you're handy with a blade. I'd be happy to put it to the test." Fletcher nodded and said

" I think I'd like that." The two squared off, with Fletcher wielding his gladius and Sir Caulder using his long sword. Fletcher made the first move, darting forward and making a feint from the left and then abruptly switching sides and swinging from the right. However, Sir Caulder was a master of the blade and well versed with such tricks. he completely ignored the feint and struck out, blocking Fletcher's stroke before it could hit him.

The two exchanged a few more blows before Fletcher had an idea. As Sir Caulder swung sideways with his sword Fletcher dove forward, tucking into a role as he did. While he was rolling Fletcher picked up full of sand. As soon as he dove Sir Caulder turned, only to receive the sand into his face. He was temporarily blinded and Fletcher used this moment to knock his opponent's sword away and place his own to Sir Caulder's throat.

Sir Caulder raised his arms in defeat and said

" Alright. You win. I surrender. That was well fought. An interesting idea with the sand." Fletcher smiled in thanks and said

" You're not too shabby yourself old man." The two exchanged a few more words before heading their separate ways. Sir Caulder headed off to who-knows-where while Fletcher headed up to his room. When he reached his room in the nobles quarters Fletcher summoned out Ignatius, Athena, and Vol. As soon as they were summoned into existence Ignatius jumped onto him and crawled up to Fletcher shoulder where he curled up and watched Athena as she fluttered about, above Vol's head, playfully dodging his attempts to catch her.

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