Your Highness

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Arcturus gaped before walking towards the door, beckoning for Fletcher to follow. As he did the captain called out

" Class dismissed." Fletcher could hear the sounds of his classmates packing up to leave as he followed Arcturus out. Fletcher briefly wondered if he was in trouble but immediately dismissed the notion. After all, the only thing he had done was summon his demons. Finally, they arrived at the Provost's office, or rather what Fletcher assumed was the Provost's office as he had never been there before.

Arcturus knocked on the door and a loud voice called out

" Enter." Fletcher and Arcturus walked in and Fletcher saw that the Provost, Captain Lovett, and Major Goodwin were all there, in a meeting. Provost Scipio turned to face them and asked

" What is Fletcher doing here with you. This is supposed to be a meeting." Arcturus gave a nod of assent and said

" I know that but during class, I asked Fletcher to summon his demon, and he summoned four. Four very rare and powerful ones." Major Goodwin gave a snort and said

" Uh huh. And what are these " great and powerful" demons?" Arcturus gave the older man a glare and replied

" He has an ifrit, a salamander, a dryad and a gryphowl." Lovett and Goodwin both gave gasps of shock but Scipio waved his hand for Arcturus to continue, sensing that there was more to the story. After a few more seconds Arcturus continued

" And here's the thing. His gryphowl is Athena." Captain Lovett stared at Arcturus in shock before turning to Fletcher and asked

" So, you're him. You're their son?" Fletcher nodded and Captain Lovett stood up, slowly walking towards him, before pulling him into a hug. After a moment of this Major Goodwin cleared his throat and said

" Well if you're all done here can I take Fletcher to the fulimeter to have the salamander tested." Lovett released him and Fletcher followed the major outside of the room. Major Goodwin led him through the corridors, to the base of one of Vocans towers, and began to climb it. Finally, they reached the top and Major Goodwin motioned for Fletcher to summon Ignatius.

Fletcher pulled out his summoning leather and did so. Once Ignatius appeared, Fletcher gave him a mental nudge and Ignatius scampered over to the fulimeter and placed his head against it. The first four segments lit up quickly, and after a moment a fifth lit up.

Major Goodwin nodded to himself and wrote down a note in a notebook. He gave grunt at Fletcher and waved him off. Fletcher and Ignatius made their way back down the stairs of the tower and out into the corridors. As they were walking, Fletcher saw another staircase leading upwards and decided to see what was in the tower.

He began to walk up the stairs, Ignatius curled around his neck. Along the walls were various paintings depicting battle scenes. Fletcher stopped at one where he saw human summoners standing victoriously over dwarves. He growled in anger at what the painting was showing, before sending a mental nudge to Ignatius, who stretched and then burned the painting to a crisp.

Fletcher continued to climb up the spiral staircase, and just when he was wondering if they would ever end, he reached the top. The only thing there was a door so Fletcher knocked. After a few moments of shuffling around the door opened to reveal an older looking woman.

She looked at him in confusion before saying

" Who are you? What are you doing up in my tower." then she spotted Ignatius around his neck and gave a little gasp before continuing

" Is that a salamander." he nodded and she ushered him inside. The interior of the room appeared to be some sort of laboratory with dead and partially dissected demons scattered about as well as jars full of smaller demons like mites.

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