a nice guy

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  Arthur is the boy that everyone is scared of. Alfred is the Internet famous student.

  Alfred sat at the lunch table with his large amount of friends and started to eat. There was a sudden crash which caused Alfred to jump and then turn his head to reveiw the situation. "Hey look! Eyebrows fell!" The cafeteria boomed with laughter as the boy quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. "I'll be right back guys." "Hey where are you going?" Alfred ignored his froend and continued to the bathroom.
  Alfred walked into the bathroom quietly. He knocked on the only closed stall. "Go away!" Alfred stood back a little. "I'm not here to mess with you. I just wanna talk." Arthur opened the door to reveal his slightly red eyes,wet cheeks, and messy hair. "What do you want?" He wiped his face with his sleeve. "Can we talk?" Arthur placed his hands on his hips. "Why to tell all your dimwit friends?" Alfred chuckled. "I'm not that kind of guy." Arthur raised an eyebrow. "I promise!" Arthur rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Ya know what? Come by my house,actually I'll pick you up." Alfred took out a peice of paper and a pen. "Call me." He wrote down his number before handing it to him. Alfred left leaving Arthur flustered and confused.
  "Hello?" "Hey is this Arthur?" "Yes." Alfred put on his shoes and grabbed his keys. "I'm on my way!" "Wait wha..?" Before he could finish he hung up the phone. Arthur automatically slipped on his boots and grabbed his small backpack. He walked out his room and down the stairs to the living room where his brothers and father were having dinner. "Where are you going?" Arthur looked at his father before blushing. "Um this boy in my school is coming to pick me up." The room went silent. "Oooooh Arthur's got a boyfriend!" Conner yelled before the room was engulfed with laughter. Arthur blushed. "Shut up!" A honk was heard outside. "Don't go too hard or you won't be able to walk HA!!" Arthur walked out the door.  "Hey sorry for taking to long." Arthur hopped in. "It's fine."
  "Um so now what?" Alfred shut his room door. "Didn't you want to talk about somthing?" "Oh yeah about that..."
  It's been a month since they became friends,a week since they started dating. Alfred decided to go to Arthur's house for once. "Yeah it's a mess,but what do you expect from a teenage emo boy."

Smut in bound

  They talked for a while before Allistor walked in. "Hey,we're headin' to the store ye wanma come?" "No thanks." Allistor shrugged before leaving. "Hey Artie?" Arthur looked at his boyfriend as he took a sip of tea. "Are you a virgin?" Arthur nearly spits out his tea,but some of it did start to leak from his mout before he swallowed it. "Why do you need to know?" Alfred picked the brit up and placed him on his lap. "Because I wanted to do this." Alfred placed his lips on his lover's. Arthur was hesitant,but he soon melted into the kiss. Arthur gasped and moved his lips when he felt somthing hard on his ass. "Is that?" Alfred nodded before nuzzling his head into his neck. He then lifted Arthur a bit so he could take out his cock. Arthur felt his warm hands as he pulled his shorts(and underwear)to the side,revealing his ass. Alfred slowly brought Arthur down on his dick. Arthur bit into Alfred's hood from the pain. The pain soon subsided and Alfred then laid Arthur down on the bed. Alfred movied his hips and in a lucky shot,hit Arthur's sweet spot.
  They were both close to orgasming when Crumpet walked in and watched the rest.
  After Arthur passed out,Alfred took out his phone and took a picture of Arthur sleeping in his arms. He made an Instagram post saying. He's not such a bad guy after all!

I was up for hours writing this😂

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