Chapter 4

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1 Month Later

Chaeyoung and Jungkook has been close lately. Making Chaeyoung feeling comfortable with him even though he's still a mafia...

06:00 AM

J.JK- "Jjagi wake up~"

As soon as Jungkook says that Chaeyoung punch him with a pillow

J.JK- "It was so funny that it hurts hahhahaa"

Chaeyoung stopped punching him with a pillow and gets up

P.CY- "Excuse me Mr.So Funny, i need to shower so can your ass just go away please? Thank you"

Chaeyoung pushed Jungkook out of the room and locked the door. She giggles and go change to get ready for the day

Some Minutes Later

Chaeyoung walked down-stair to eat breakfast

Joy- "Ah miss you have woken up. "
P.CY- "Wheres Jungkook?"
Joy- "Ah.. Mr.Jeon is in his room."
P.CY- "Can you make me a pancake for my breakfast? Thank you"

Said Chaeyoung. She walk upstair and knock on Jungkook's door. No response... 'Odd. Theres no sounds from his room neither' Chaeyoung says in her heart. She enters the room, Jungkook isnt there. She walks to the bathroom still no Jungkook

Jungkook's P.O.V

???- "Listen Jungkook-aah we already talk about this! You're going to marry Tzuyu no MATTER what!"

An old woman said. Jungkook was in a room with his 'family', he sighed

J.JK- "Listen grandma. I DONT like her, i like someone else an-"
JK's aunt- "JEON JUNGKOOK!!"

JK's aunt yelled making Jungkook shut up

JK's aunt- "Cant you just LISTEN to the person who made you BOSS HERE?!"

J.JK- "Im the boss now... Aunt, i can do whatever i want now. End of meeting"

Jungkook got out of the room and get to his car. His phone suddenly ring he smilled looking at the caller

P.CY- "Yah Jungkook-shi did you just walk off the house?! Why didnt you tell me?!!!"
J.JK- "You miss me didnt you?"
P.CY- "W-whatever. Just get your ass right now"
J.JK- "Yeah yeah"

He ended the call. He drives back to his mansion safely greeted by Chaeyoung

P.CY- "Yah why didnt you tell me yoi're going out?!"

She pouts while Jungkook smiled

J.JK- "You we're showering okay? Its not comfortable for me too ruin your shower"
P.CY- "Have you eaten Jungkook?"
J.JK- "Yes-"

His stomach start to make sounds. Chaeyoung laughed, she grabbed Jungkook's hand and dragged him to the dinning room. Chaeyoung smiled while Jungkook blushed, a minute or so later after they're done eating. Jungkook and Chaeyoung played some games, it was already 16:00 AM. Time really go fast, they go to their own room and showered.

Chaeyoung's P.O.V

Chaeyoung took out her phone... 3 videos from Lisa, she expected just some Choi Siwon(Chaeyoung's idol) videos... She played the first video, Lisa? Seems too be hiding in her room in the darkness she whispered to the phone

L.LM- "Chaeyoung-sshi help me"

Said the sobbing Lisa. Then Lisa hid under her bed at the exact time the door opened. End of first video, Chaeyoung played the second video. Continuation of the first video. The sobbing Lisa closed her mouth to stay quite. A sillhoute of a man can be seen by the light outside the room who looks like he's holding a gun. The man goes outside of the room and closed the door. End of video two, the last video showed Lisa outside the room recording the mans doing, he was messing up Lisa's apartment she(Lisa) zoomed in to a broken window which is possibly where the man come from, Lisa got in to her room again and whispered

L.LM- "Please call the 911 for me Chaeyoung. Taehyung didnt answer my text and i think he hacked into my phone so i cant call anyone... Please.."

Chaeyoung called the 911. She telled them about Lisa's apartment's addres, what happend and they replied that everthings going to be okay and they will send the cops there. She ended the call and tell Jungkook about it who shared it to Taehyung, Jungkook and Chaeyoung drove to Lisa's apartment. They stopped infront of Lisa's apartment and the cops are already there, Jungkook wore his mask so the cops and the ambulance wouldnt recognise its the Mafia King. Lisa was sitting in the ambulance covered with blanket, Taehyung came and hugged Lisa. They we're chit-chatting(Lisa & Tae). Chaeyoung joined the chit-chat while Jungkook? Is hearing the conversation

Y'all i know it short but i dont know wat to write anymore

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