Oh, Baby! Pt. 2

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Kim Taehyung

You were whisked away to the operating room and you were placed on the operating table. Your arms were spread out on either side of you and strapped down. A curtain was placed just below your breast line and the doctors and nurses began to prep your belly for surgery. You were terrified and just wanted your husband to be there with you.

"Where's my husband?" You ask the anesthesiologist near your head. 

"He should be hear any moment, Mrs. Kim." A couple minutes later, Taehyung walks through the operating room doors wearing a pair of blue scrubs. He had a cap over his hair and a mask over his face.

"Hey, baby. I'm here." He sits down near your head on a stool that was provided for him. He leans down and kisses your forehead through the mask. 

"Alright, Kim family are we ready to meet your baby." Your doctor asks from the other side of the curtain.  You both answer yes. "Can you feel this, Y/N?"

"No. Am I supposed to?" You asked worriedly. 

"Nope. We're going to get start the procedure now. Let us know if you feel any pain. Scalpel." The doctor begins cutting into you but you don't feel anything thanks to the medicine. All you feel is pressure and a lot of pulling. 

"Tae, can you look and tell me how it's going?" He nods and stands to peek over the curtain. His eyes widen in interest. "What's going on Tae?"

"They've got your belly cut open, and they're getting ready to cut into what I assume is your uterus. Oh! She's cutting right now!" His eyes widen even further as he watches the doctor cut your baby. "I see her little head, Y/N. And her hands!" His excitement is bleeding through to you. A loud cry rings through the operating room, letting you know that your daughter has fully been born into the world. 

You breath a sigh of relief and feel tears begin to prick your eyes. Tae follows her over to a little cart where the nurses are doing their checks and getting her cleaned up. Tae takes his phone out and takes pictures like mad. 

"How is she, Tae?" You ask from across the room. 

"She's gorgeous babe. She's perfect. She's not even crying anymore." The nurses finish getting her cleaned up and bundle her in a pink blanket and little pink hat. The nurse hands her to Tae and he carefully brings her over to you. He sits on the stool and brings your baby close to your face so you can see her.

"Naeunie, this your mama. This is where you get your good looks. She worked hard for nine months for you to get here." He says. You can see sparkling tears over the top of his mask. Her little eyes open and she looks up at you. 

"Hey, my little miracle. Mama loves you so much." You lean your head up and kiss her little forehead. 

The doctor finishes up your surgery and one of the nurses takes your baby to the nursery until you get back to your room. Tae reluctantly hands her off and sits back down next to your head.

He brushes some of the hair that had snuck out of your cap back in. 

"Thank you for giving birth to the most beautiful girl and making me a father." He says before kissing your forehead.

"Thanks for making me a mama, Tae."

Kim Naeun: 6 lbs, 2 oz.

Kim Naeun: 6 lbs, 2 oz

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