Be careful what you wish for

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Sitting down in my seat i groaned inwardly. I hated maths! Okay, maybe hates too strong a word i dont "hate" anything and/or anyone i find it impossible, so for arguments sake lets just say that i "strongly dislike maths". My teacher taps the board in an attempt to get the class ti listen. It failed miserably, this may be extension class, the class for the boffins and people like me who were moved into this class because they made the mistake of actually trying at the start if the year, but Mr Low was the worst teacher when it came to discipline. No one knows why but hes just not scary or intimidating unless he gets incredibly angry, which isn't often. Hes incredibly annoying though. Hes foreign and we can barely understand a word he says! His accent is undecipherable. And he has the worst mood swings. He doesnt hate me, i know that for sure, but i give him plenty of reason too. He sends me out almost every lesson but i can tell that i amuse him. Thats the thing, nobody can dislike me no matter what i do, no matter how much effort i put in, its just impossible. I know this sounds shallow but ta painfully true. My mom says i have this certain "charm" about me and people just cant resist she says its in my blood but ive never seen people with either of my parents, the way they are with me. I used to think i was adopted because i was so different from the rest of my family and i looked nothing like my parents. I even went so far as to ask them one day, they told me to stop being silly then my mom and i baked cookies. "libbeh qett owt rite nowhh" Said a heavily accented voice, pulling me out of my thoughts, "but whyy sir? What did i do?!" i replied in a venemous tone "youh noh workh" was all said said before he pointed to the door and turned back to the board. Just my luck, it was raining outside. As i picked up my bag my classmates all looked up at me with a mixture of admiration and awe. I was the only student in extension who dared to stand up to the teachers. I was well respected, not that i cared. The poor students looked so bored with what Mr Low was teaching them that i decided to treat them with a show. I started to sing at the top of my lungs

"So what we get drunk

So what we dont sleep

We're just having fun

We dont care who sees

So what we go out

Thats hows it supposed to be


I was cut off mid scream by Mr Lows distinguishible voice "ENUF YOUH GO PRINCIPLE OFFEESE NOWH!" he says in a stern yet comical voice. Putting on a mock anger face i bellowed " your so selfish you didnt even let me finish!!" " goh nowh!" he replies i smile at him and made my way out the door. My goal had been reached, i cant even imagine how boring extension must have been before my regular arguements with the teachers. I have them so often its almost like a tradition. I trudged on through the corridoor, glad that i wouldnt have to sit out in the cold rain, like yesterday. I enjoyed it though, everyone kept stopping and talking to me and making jokes about Mr Low. Nobody likes him but honestly hes not all that bad, people dont understand how i can stand up for him because he sends me out more often than not but i like him. Again its just in my nature to like people, i cant help it, its just the way that my brain is wired. I sighed as i continued my march down the empty corridoor. Like hell i was going to the principles office. I knocked on the door of mainstream english. " what can i do for you Miss Wilson?" came the voice of a teacher i didnt recognize. She had long, perfectly straight brown hair and a pair of wire rimmed glasses that suprisingly suited her. Another thing i noticed is that she was very pretty for a teacher and that the entire back row of boys were making inappropriate facials and gestures. I pretended nit to notice them as i asked the teacher, obviously a substitute, if i could borrow Hazel May. " What for" she asked, suspicion laced her voice, " The principle wants her Ms, i could always just tell him you refused, im sure he wouldnt mind if you needed her for something serious like a test, hed understand if course if you didnt have a good enough reason for saying no well..." I trailed off to let the words sink in, it was obvious the class wasnt doing a test from the way they were all over the room throwing around paper planes made out of the word finds that are handed out by every substitute at this school. A little bit of fear flashed in the poor teachers eyes "no no ofcourse you can take her. Hazel May, youre wanted in the principles office". My best friend looked up and smiled a mischvious smile at me "i knew i'd get caught for hitting that sub that disnt give me a lolly, it wasnt my fault! I cant control myself when it comes to sugar" immediately the pretty teacher pulled out a rasberry lolliepop and handed it to Hazel. "Oh thanks!" she said with a look of fake suprise and innocence "i had no idea you had these, do you have any more?" the sub quickly placed five more lolliepops into Hazels hand and ushered us out the door "dont want to keep the principle waiting" she said hurredily before slamming the door shut. Hazel and i made an effort to contain our laughter incase the teacher heard it. Halfway down the corridor, we burst. "hahahha her face ahha and when you ahaha" "i know habanahahaha that was ahahahahahaha feel bad hahaha" after we'd calm down enough for the ability to string words into a proper sentence to return Hazel hooked her arm through mine. "Honestly, Lib, what took you so long? I was dying of boredom in there" i laughed at her impatient self "its barely 10 mins into the lesson, Haze" she giggled "whatevs. Lets go into town to get some coffee then come back, im craving a moccachino" "Haze, you hate coffee" she giggled again "yea, but saying that sounds so mature and sophisticated" i giggled to "this is why we're single" "no we're single because we're just too damn attractive for this world" i laughed and followed my best friend to the car park. I was well aware that we were ditching, but hey we were coming back werent we? And i was sent out of class any way. I was too busy laughing with Hazel and trying hard to persuade her into giving me the blueberry lolliepop, to notice the 3 sleek black cars and shiny limosuine pull into the school car park.

I have no idea how i didnt notice.

But i really wish i did. I wouldnt have gone back.

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