When lincoln is sitting on the tree there was a portal that open up from behind the tree that shocked lincoln
Lincoln: what the hell is that?!?!
Then someone came out of the portal it's someone that looks like lincoln but something is off he looks like him but different features like in his body words saying error keep appearing and their eyes are not similar errors eyes are different they are red and black
Error: what the au is this?
Lincoln: what do you mean au?
Error: look do i look like someone you know?
Lincoln: yes you look like me.
Error: there are many au's many of us that means there are many of me and you but we do not share the same personalities like you you are the nicest one out of all the au's there is
Lincoln: but why did you come here?
Error: i'm looking for someone that will take my power i will die soon because of what ink did to me.
Lincoln: if i may ask what did he do to you that will lead you to death?
Error: you see when i was trying to destroy all the au's the bad ones but ink keep stopping me. i only want the universe to be safe no bad us and no killing there are many reports of other au's going to others killing every other us.
Lincoln: then what did ink do to you?
Error: ink used his power to try and kill me but i escaped before it hits me i am low on health that's where i got in this au i want you to have my powers to destroy the bad au's
Lincoln: i do not want to destroy the bad au's the universe need bad and good other us
Error: it's ok its good if you do not want to destroy any other universe i understand you are the nicest one of all of us that's why i understand here you will still have my powers i will die soon i do not want my powers to be forgotten so i will give it to you please be safe
Lincoln: thank you error is there any last word you want to say before you die?
Error: i have a question.
Lincoln: ok what is it?
Error: why you outside of our house?
Lincoln told error everything that happens the bad luck incident
Error: i'm sorry to hear that kid.
Lincoln: but we're the same age why are you calling me a kid
Error: kid i'm older than you
Lincoln: how old are you
Error: 9 million
lincoln and was shocked to hear error to be 9 million years old
Error: kid if i may ask something one more question?
Lincoln it's ok error what is your question?
Error: where is our friends and ronnie anne
Lincoln: our friends they betrayed me ronnie anne cheated on me with chandler
Error: i'm sorry to hear that kid
Lincoln: it's ok it's just clyde is been my friend for years i know he would be there for me but when he found out about me being bad luck he abandoned me
Error: kid i will give you details about our power
Lincoln: ok error can you give me all the details exactly all you not leaving anything
the loud house:error lincoln
Fanfictionwhen Lincoln got kick out something appeard it is error Lincoln but something is wrong he is hurt when Lincoln got closer error told Lincoln something and Lincoln agreed.