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"Look, sweetheart! You're wasting your time and mine! Take it from me... You'll never make an archer! Go home and forget about becoming my assistant!" - Sarai to a young Clint Barton at Carson Carnival of Traveling Wonders. 

"Wow! And me without my anti-tank arrow" - Sarai staring down a tank as Howling Huntress

"Tell your friends there's a huntress on the streets. This is my town now, and creeps like you are an endangered species" - Howling Huntress

"Hmph! "Modern-Day Robin Hood." What am I supposed to do... Steal from myself and give to the poor?" - Sarai

"Maybe you were right. Maybe one person can make a difference... even a person in a funny costume" - Sarai

"I'm a fair woman. So I'm going to let you start running. When you're a dozen yards away, I'll try to bring you down. You could get lucky. I might miss" - Howling Huntress

"Everybody who's seen me naked gets to use my first name" - Sarai

"You know, just when I start to think there's hope for mankind... I run into guys like you, and my faith in human nature is restored" - Howling Huntress

"People are going to die, Steve-- Let's just make sure it's the right people" - Sarai to Steve Rogers. 

"I wouldn't do that. Even if you're a lot faster than you look, you're going to get a shaft through a very tender part of your anatomy" - Sarai to Pietro Maximoff 

"There's nothing quite like being so old you're back to one candle on your birthday cake. It's like people can't count that high or something" -  Sarai

"I don't know... the thought of skinning a drug lord gives me kind of a warm feeling" - Sarai

"You think justice is something that can be bought, blackmailed, killed. You're wrong. Justice is an arrow. And I've made one just for you" - Howling Huntress

"I never liked being called a hero. I just do what I think is right. Try to make a difference"  - Sarai

"I shoot him in the shoulder out of pure instinct. And in the solar plexus to get his attention. And in the trachea to see if he'd even feel it. And then I shoot him in the face. Just to piss him off" - Sarai

"I will never understand the appeal of the Hawaiian pizza" -  Sarai

"I know those looks. You're putting the band back together, aren't you? Hold on, I'll get my bow" - Sarai to Steve and Natasha

"At my core, I am not a hero. I am a huntress" - Sarai

"Rise and rise again until lambs become lions" - Sarai

"At the end of the day, I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. If that makes me a criminal, so be it. I've been called worse." - Sarai

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