Frank Morrison: Cat and Mouse

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When did it start becoming a game?

Probably when he started enjoying only targeting one specific survivor.

The others never mattered anymore. The only thing that mattered was this cat and mouse game he had created.

The killers were always given a glimpse whenever a trial was about to start, the entity liked letting them know who their prey was to be.

And anytime he noticed a certain survivor walk up, a grin larger than the one painted onto his mask would form on his face.

"Time to play, kitten."
(I'll try my best to be as gender neutral as possible! This will switch POV ever so often, but for now we will start in the readers POV)

~Readers POV~

Snow. The crunching of snow underneath my feet indicated one thing and one thing only.

Okay, no let's not jump to conclusions. The killers share realms with one another, just because we ended up in the resort doesn't exactly mean it's gonna be him.

And hey, even if it were to be THE Legion, doesn't mean it would be him specifically. Maybe I lucked out, and got Susie or Julie.

I glanced over towards a pumping generator, watching Kate work on it with slight struggle. Poor girl, she must be freezing in those shorts.
"I'm gonna come help." I smiled to her, and she happily returned one.

I can't say I was helping for good reason. More or less to see if I could set of discordance. And find out if I'm gonna spend this match running the entire time.

"Oh shoot." It only took moments for a heart beat to appear, and Kate to jump up. "It slipped my mind that it could be legion. You got 'em?"
"I don't have a choice." I laughed coldly, standing and looking towards the entrance of the resort.
He stood there, smug and confident.

Frank Morrison.

He had an ego thick enough to stop a bullet, and it pissed me off. He was cocky, an asshole, and probably one of the most aggravating killers I've ever found myself up against. The others would at least hook me, but Frank. Frank had this sick obsession with the thrill of the chase. Slashing and letting me mend up, only to have to run some more.
And would he let me go in the end?

Fuck no.

Ever since the entity gave killers the right to close the hatch, he'd watch me struggle to crawl to it, only to slam it in my face.

He'd only hook me once, maybe twice a trial. Then stand in my face and have some sort of stare down.
I've told the others to just let me die, but they won't allow that.

I was the distraction for them to leave.
"Frank." His name slipped out coldly from my lips, and his grinning mask only cocked slightly to the side on reply. He flipped his knife in his hand a few times, staring me down before he eventually went into a stance, and darted toward me.

Feral Frenzy.

I only had one chance to make him miss, and his frenzy would end. Not like it mattered, even if he hit me and someone were near he would leave.

I didn't have time to think about it. I turned on my heel, and bolted the other direction. Huffing from the bite of the cold against my cheeks as I tried to outrun him.

That was futile though, being as in frenzy he was just slightly faster.

"Aren't you tired of just going after me?" I yelled over my shoulder, as I vaulted through a window. I heard his knife slam against the frame of it, then him slightly grunt in annoyance. He stood outside the window for a second, which caused me to turn and face him once more.

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