Jack was just an ordinary 15 year old, well he's not exactly ordinary he has multiple learning disabilities his parents where slowly giving up on him as he got kicked out of his 9th school for his behaviour but when he gets sent to the last school i...
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Likes: 2,485 Ryebeaumont: got this one out the house for the first time in a long time and got him his first Starbucks...
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I looked at Jack who was starring out the window of Starbucks while slowly sipping his hot chocolate.
"We need to go to school in a few minutes. I'm not rushing you but I'm just giving you a heads up" I said and he nodded.
I'm kinda nervous to see how he is going to be. The last time he was at school he got suspended for a few weeks.
Jack stood up and walked to the exit and waited for me. So I picked up my cup and walked out the exit and to my car.
I can feel the caffeine starting to mess with my tablets. As I sat down in rye's car I couldn't sit still. I was tapping my foot and biting my nails but rye didn't mention anything probably thinking it was me being nervous.
We arrived at school and I got out the car instantly pulling my hood up and going to my TA's office.
"Ah Jack lovely seeing you back" my TA miss Shepard said and I nodded.