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Likes: 2,485Ryebeaumont: got this one out the house for the first time in a long time and got him his first Starbucks

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Ryebeaumont: got this one out the house for the first time in a long time and got him his first Starbucks...

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I looked at Jack who was starring out the window of Starbucks while slowly sipping his hot chocolate.

"We need to go to school in a few minutes. I'm not rushing you but I'm just giving you a heads up" I said and he nodded.

I'm kinda nervous to see how he is going to be. The last time he was at school he got suspended for a few weeks.

Jack stood up and walked to the exit and waited for me. So I picked up my cup and walked out the exit and to my car.


I can feel the caffeine starting to mess with my tablets. As I sat down in rye's car I couldn't sit still. I was tapping my foot and biting my nails but rye didn't mention anything probably thinking it was me being nervous.

We arrived at school and I got out the car instantly pulling my hood up and going to my TA's office.

"Ah Jack lovely seeing you back" my TA miss Shepard said and I nodded.

Today is going to be fun...

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