
613 25 15

Enjoy this chapter ;P


The door of the Ruins opened, revealing the beginning of Snowdin Forest.

They began their walk and tried to get to Snowdin town as soon as possible, well at least that was what Ink wanted. He wanted to find something to heal Error and help him.

This time though, he decided that even if Error panic and reject him, he will not take no for an answer and will help him by force if he has to!

The walk through the forest was long and silent, Ink was worried but knew that if he was to say a word, Error would tell him to shut up and walk... So he kept quiet, maybe if he let Error fall unconscious, Ink will finally have the opportunity to help without getting yelled at... But then again, it might be a bit extreme...

Whatever, Error will have to let him help, whether he like it or not!

Two long hours of walking, that's what it took for them to reach the town of Snowdin. Usually, it would take no more than 40 minutes or an hour, but with Error's injuries, it took more time than expected.

Error wasn't walking straight nor was he walking at his usual pace. He also seemed to be permanently out of breath...

So, as soon as they reached Snowdin, Ink almost pushed Error to lay down on a bed in the Inn.

"W-w-WhAt ArE yOu...!? D-DON'T TOU-TOUCH ME-E!" Error said, backing away as soon as Ink got close.

"You obviously need some rest, and there's a bed in the Inn. So-" Ink said and was going to continue but Error cut him off...

"I-i-I dOn'T nEeD yOuR hElP oR dO i NeEd To ReSt! LeAvE mE aLoNe!"

Ink pouted and finally had enough. "Alright, i don't care if you get mad at me, but you ARE going to get some rest and you WILL let me help!" Ink said while grabbing Error by the arm that wasn't bruised, to drag him to the Inn.

Error crashed from the sudden contact, his glitches blinding his vision and covering part of his body, making them practically impossible to recognize.

When Ink finally got him in bed at the Inn, he locked him up in the room to make sure he wouldn't leave if his reboot finish before Ink comes back. After he did, Ink left to go search for food or more healing bandages.

He started to search the very first place you see, the store. He didn't search for long, fortunately for him, he found everything he needed right after opening the door. There was tons of bandages, painkillers, foods and drinks!

He even found a bag that he took and put everything in. First though, he changed his bandages with new ones, wrapping the lasts wounds left, leaving maybe too much bandages for Error.

Going back to him, Ink hoped that he was still in his crashing state, so he would be able to change the small bandages that Error had and wrap the rest of his wounds.

Fortunately for him, Error was only at 25% of his reboot, not to mention that it was going so slow that Ink thought they could be here for days. So, Ink got to work.

He took off Error's clothes and the old used bandages, then got started. Using a wet washcloth to clean the wounds and the dirt off the bones from the fight they had and, wrapped the clean wounds in the new and clean bandages. It was funny to Ink how every time he would touch Error's bones, the part he touched would glitch out uncontrollably.

He took a glance at the percentage of Error's reboot, 55% completed. "Yikes, i really should finish before his reboot ends!" Ink thought as he got to finish what he started.

After he was done, Error was at 98% of his reboot while Ink prepared a bit of food for the both of them and waited for Error to finish his reboot and wake up. 

Once he did, he was mad...

Getting out of the bed, Error started to yell at Ink. "YOU FUCKING-ING SQUID! I-I-I TOL-OLD YOU- ...W-w-WaIt.." Error looked at himself and saw the new bandages... And his clothes were gone. Error's face got completely yellow with embarrassment and sat back down on the bed, hiding himself completely with the blanket. "wHaT dId YoU dO wItH mY cLoThEs?"

"Sorry.. But they needed to get washed!" Ink said, looking at a pair of glasses. "Are those glasses yours? I found them in your jacket!"

"..." Error stayed silent, not wanting to give Ink one of his weakness.

"I didn't know your eyesight was bad.." Ink looked into them. "Very bad..." Blinking a bit after putting them on the night shelf. "Are you near sighted? Or far sighted?"

Error let the blanket fall from his face and looked away. "WiLl ThIs InFoRmAtIoN cHaNgE yOuR lIfE? oR yOu'Re JuSt LoOkInG fOr SoMeThInG tO lAuGh At Me?"

"Laugh at you? No, i'm just curious! I know practically nothing about you, i just thought that i could ask some questions so i could know you better! Like i said back in the Ruins, this is the perfect opportunity for that!"

"right..." Error was still looking down and away from Ink. While Ink, was trying to have answers to his questions.

Although, seeing that Error didn't wanted to respond to him, Ink just gave him two of the Cinnamon Bunny he found at the shop along with painkillers. "Here, I found them at the shop! This should help you heal a bit!" Ink said, smiling at him softly.

"UsUaLlY, mY gLiTcHeS wOuLd HeAl Me.. So I dOn'T nEeD tO eAt. BuT hErE..." Error replied, taking the Cinnamon Bunnies and painkillers.

"Why can't it help you here?..."

"'cAuSe It NeEd PaRt Of My MaGic..."

"Ah! I see, since it's cut off here, it can't help you..."

"eXaCtLy..." Error said, using his tongue to grab the cinnamon bunnies and eat them in one go.

"... Eww... That was amazing!" Ink thought, but then smiled at Error. "... Well, at least i found something that will help!" Ink replied, happy to finally know something new about Error.

"sure..." Error replied, trying to end the conversation. But remembered something. "a-A-aNy ChAnCe I-i-I cOuLd..." He looked away, face becoming more yellow with each words. "um... G-g-GeT mY cLoThEs BaCk...?"


Alright! That's it for now guys!! Hope you enjoyed it ^^

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