Waking up

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Ink continued to watch over Error, every day while going on his patrols. Everytime he left though, he made sure Error wouldn't be alone. And Blue was the only one he could trust to watch over the Glitch. This way, Blue was able to tell Ink just how long Error was out and told him it had been two months.

"Maybe even more than that..." Ink whispered. Looking down, he went on another patrol, feeling awfull.


Some time ago, in a copy of Dancetale, he watched as Ink and Dream talked. As soon as he heard the name he wanted to hear, he grinned and went back to his hideout.

He stepped into the portal and arrived in a broken world, where everything was dark, gloomy and despair felt heavy on your soul. He cursed for not being able to teleport directly into the giant castle that was Nightmare's and started his walk through the higthly negative forest.

Once he finally arrived, he went directly to the Goopy figure sitting on a throne. But before he could say anything, Nightmare spoke. "Dust. I trust you have a good reason for coming back here without the Glitch?"

"Good reason, but not good news. The Destroyer is in a relationship with the Creator."

"WHAT?!" Nightmare stood up, his tentacles moving out of rage behind him. "That traitor..." But then, Nightmare smiled. "Call the others and start the plan. As for me, i have something special planned for our dear Glitch!"


Pain... Why does everytime he wakes up he always felt pain? Oh right... He tried to kill himself... Wasn't he supposed to be dead though? Or was the Anti-Void messing with his death again?

Incapable of opening his eyes, he felt something resting on his body. Even if it was light, he felt crushed by it's weight and let out a small grunt.

"Error!? A-are you.." he heard. Someone was here with him. But he couldn't make out the voice. Or maybe it was in his head? It felt so familiar though. Did someone find him? But who? Ink?

He started to cry, his eyes still closed. And he heard the voice again, he couldn't make out the words anymore but he knew the voice was starting to panic. Although, it didn't sound like Ink's kind of panicking, so... Who could it be?

He decided to try to open his eyes. After a good minute of fighting with the pain, and himself, he finally opened his them revealing an overwhelming orange color with some white dots everywhere.

Alright, so he was in the Doodle Sphere. That was good! So Ink was the one who found him. He looked to the side, without moving head and saw someone. Well, more like the shape of someone. His vision seemed to be worst than before.. He tried to, at least, make out the colors and notice a lot of blue.


Of course, Ink would never let Dream watch over him, even if the multiverse depended on it... Even if the Dreamer would never kill him, he would tell Nightmare about it...

He tossed away that thought, thinking about Nightmare wasn't what he wanted to do at that moment. Instead, he tried to look at his surrounding. Even though he was in pain, he felt strangely comfortable. Of course he was, he was in a bed! This was way more comfortable than the harsh floor of the Anti-Void! He could be better without the blanket though..

As he was thinking, he failed to hear a second voice talking with Blue. That was until they got closer. Error looked at the newcomer and felt ashamed. Ink was beside him and he was crying. He glitched as he looked away. Revealing to Ink his true self(Geno) in a split second.

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